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  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    Chenowth Explorer, Funco Hustler II
  • Location
    Pinon Hills, CA
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  1. Great article! That's me with the award for most unique item found! We will be back out next year.
  2. It happened after they were duning it pretty hard on the front face. We were one of the first on the scene but couldn't get the fire out since the hood was too hot to open.
  3. We are looking to head out to Dumont the 14-16th. Anybody interested in going? We hate to camp and dune alone.
  4. See ya there Andy! Grab Peter and Lonnie and let's hit the dunes for a ride.
  5. Yup... Dune Ryder pretty much nailed it.
  6. Here is our rig... 27ft Attitude and a silver Tundra.
  7. Head over to 12 with Dune Ryder and I...
  8. It was pretty quiet all weekend. Not like the holiday weekends used to be. The area where were this last weekend is pretty good and even a bit better if we move closer to one of the fingers.
  9. Yes, we have a 3 year old. Would love to set up a group where the kids could all play and have fun.
  10. I try to go as much as possible since the season is so short! It was great meeting you too. Hopefully you can get back out this year.
  11. I will be headed out to Dumont for Presidents Day weekend and plan on pulling in Friday before noon. We will be in the vicinity of bathroom 6. Who is gonna come out and join us?
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