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Fast Machine

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Everything posted by Fast Machine

  1. Congrats to your family! I was wondering if you had found out yet.
  2. I feel sorry for her kid. Mom is a drunk-driving stripper and the baby daddy is in jail. :angry2:
  3. Good one! Maybe it's next to the pipe lol
  4. We did the same thing, Pete!! It was so nice to see nearly-empty parking lots that we couldn't resist going shopping and doing some donuts. On the way back, we towed someone to their house that couldn't make it up a hill (2WD Titan). What a difference 4WD makes!
  5. Spoiled just means loved!! My doggies decided to go outside (by 'decided' I mean mommy scooted them outside and closed the door). They were not happy campers.
  6. Our dogs aren't having it either!! They watched me go outside like I was crazy. Spoiled brats!
  7. I'm by Black Mountain and there is snow on our front lawn.
  8. I have to say, I never check out the homepage because I just go directly to the forums, and wow! The homepage is pretty impressive!! Nice job! And I don't know the story behind the pic but I'm sure its a dooooozy!!!!! :blonde: :blonde: :blonde: :blonde:
  9. She hasn't logged on in over a year so maybe she wasn't getting the attention she was seeking. But whatevs, to each their own.
  10. That's what I'm sayin'. A Corvette for half off sounds nice. Except my hubby works for GM so I guess that's not such a good idea.
  11. That joke is sooo last page. (But still funny, Jill )
  12. An update from his mother via their website: "Chi's condition remains stable. He is still hooked up to a respirator to control his breathing, but can now breathe on his own. Yesterday, while visiting, I let him know that all his fans are praying and waiting for him to wake up. He responded by moving his eyes underneath his eyelids. We are so very happy with all of these small victories."
  13. And cows are damaging our planet and aiding global warming. I'm just being a brat. Any topic can cause controversial opinions.
  14. It may interest some to read: NEW YORK (Billboard) - The bass player with California rock band Deftones is in a coma after being involved in a car accident Monday in Santa Clara, Calif., according to the Sacramento Bee. Chi Cheng, 38, is in a "very serious" state, the paper quoted frontman Chino Moreno as saying. "I don't know everything that's going on -- I just know it's very serious," Moreno told the Bee. "Chi is one of the strongest people I know, and I'm praying that his strength will get him through this," Moreno added in a note on the Deftones' blog. "Please say a prayer for him as well." Cheng has been in the studio with Deftones working on the band's next studio album, "Eros," which is due in spring 2009 via Warner Bros. The Deftones' most recent live show was in mid-September in Peoria, Ariz
  15. You are totally right in that he believes in God. He is Muslim and believes in 'Allah'. If you don't know who Allah is, its the same God the 9-11 terrorists were serving when they attacked the towers. So I suppose when we look at where the towers once stood we could shrug it off to a little thing called religious freedom. Pete, where's my smiley at?!!?!?! :clown:
  16. One Nation, Under Allah. Has a nice little ring to it.
  17. My hubby is going this weekend. I made him promise not to take the check book so he doesn't come home with something like this, a monster ATC lol
  18. Missing From: Hollywood and Lake Mead, Las Vegas, NV Missing Date: 10/15/2008 12:00 AM Contact: Las Vegas Metro Police Department 702-828-3111 Circumstances: Las Vegas Metro Police Department earlier this morning reported that a 6-year-old boy was kidnapped this morning from a home near Hollywood and Lake Mead during a robbery around 7:15 a.m. According to police, the two suspects knocked on the door and indicated they were police however once inside they tied up the boy's mother and her male friend and began looking for money in the home. Police say they took the boy when no money was found. The reason why there was no AMBER Alert Activation until just before Noon, was LVMPD had no descriptions to give. However, we now have one description of the three Hispanic males who are now suspects, all of whom speak with a Hispanic accent. Missing Child Name: Cole Puffinburger Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Skin Color: White Height: 3FT11 Weight: 48LBS Gender: Male Description: Last seen wearing a black John Cena sweatshirt, dark jeans, black Vans tennis shoes, and silver-rimmed glasses. SuspectName: Unknown Unknown Skin Color: Hispanic Gender: Male Name: Unknown Unknown Skin Color: Hispanic Gender: Male Name: Unknown Unknown Hair Color: Black Skin Color: Hispanic Age: Early 30's Height: 5FT7 Weight: 150LBS Gender: Male Description: The suspect has shoulder length hair that is slicked back. He was last seen wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans.
  19. Shame on them :chkn: At least they weren't dumb enough to use "Michael Vick"
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