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Everything posted by PADZZ

  1. 1st time, long time. Anyway, I went to Dumont for the 1st time this last weekend. Had a blast. I gotta say some of the hills were a bit intimdating at 1st, but after a couple runs, it was no big deal. Also, the dunes were a bit smaller than expected. The rails blew my mind. I need a new job. We stayed near toilet #9. Got there Thursady. A question about the vendors. Are they every weekend, or only the big weekends. Also, how do you become a vendor? Not they I would become one since I live out of state and I'd imagine you'd need a CA license. It was pretty cool; a small city out in the middle of the desert. Here's my R. Perhaps you saw me out and about, laying the smack down on the YFZs.
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