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Everything posted by Chadwick

  1. If things pan out in my favor work I plan on making another trip to Koosharem Utah sometime maybe in late June or early July. Nice little get away from the fast pace duties of life and absolutely gorgeous. Also my good buddy Brian and I got a place up near Coronado Island for my birthday and plan on doing some R&R and lots of
  2. I agree they usually give a suspicious punk a second thought before entering but have you ever watched it takes a thief on the discovery channel? I saw one where the couple said there house was protected by there dog but the two guys walked right on in with confidence like they owned the place and the dog didn't do a darn thing. It was surprising cause they really thought they had a good watch dog. I have a huge dog at my house but he makes a better throw rug than a guard dog. Anyone who doesn't know him would think he would kill you on command because he is so big and vicious looking but he is a wimp. My other dog who is only about 45 or 50 pounds is my real watch dog and even she wouldn't take much to scare off. Maybe dog guard training would have been a good thing to invest in.
  3. :ahhhhh: Couldn't have said it any better!
  4. Today I have received confirmation for my attendance to the Front Sight 4 Day Defensive Handgun class. If you want some of the best training in the country check this place out. Front Sight
  5. Checked out of work early yesterday and got to go out and see the races. Damn those top fuel dragsters and funny cars ROAR :ahhhhh: My sisters kids came with me and they loved it. This is the second time I have gotten to go and I was floored with excitement. Wont be able to go Saturday or Sunday but glad I got to catch them on Friday.
  6. One of my good buddies neighbor across the street who happens to be a little old lady who is harmless had someone force themselves through the front door of her home and beat the living crap out of her!! I mean come on!! What kind of a person does that nonsense. They ended up catching him because the neighbor called the police during the mugging and caught him as he was walking back out with her purse. This was in the Desert Shores area that this happened. I signed up for a 4 day defensive hand gun class at Front Sight a while ago and Im hoping if work will permit I will get to take it the beginning of May. Front Sight is an incredible place on the way to Dumont from Vegas on the Tecopa road that offers some of the best training in the country for situations like this. Im probably one of the least violent people you have ever met. However someone trying to get into my home is where I draw the line out of fear for my own life. I'm getting my CCW out of this class but I don't think I will ever actually carry my gun outside of my home just because I think in most cases you are caught off guard and wont be able to do much anyways if confronted. Also I just don't feel comfortable carrying a gun around town. But if someone is brave enough to come after me in my own home than I wouldn't think twice to blow that SOB into the next room. Unfortunately these days you have to make sure you kill them or it can come back to haunt you. Follow the link for a very interesting story similar to this. 911 Call of Texas Man
  7. :?: :?: WOW! I'm glad your ok man! Thats pretty serious stuff! Let us know if we can do anything to help.
  8. Terry how did you pull off John Batdorf playing at your shop!! That's way cool! Had a guitar teacher who is a big fan and I wonder if he knows about it. Thanks for the heads up I'm gonna have to call him.
  9. As the season has been winding down I have been focusing on the true love of my life.....playing the guitar. For over 10 years I have been playing the guitar and as of lately my new mistress (Raptor 700) has been working it's way into my daily activities. That's ok though because I sure do love to ride! I have committed that I would get serious again about playing and continue studying the endless amounts of music that I can get my hands on. I got more guitar gear than I know what to do with and it's time to put it to good use. Other than that I have to leave for New Mexico in a couple of weeks for work and probably won't be returning possibly until the end of Summer. Just in time to hit the dunes again I guess.
  10. I'm leaving probably the 19th of April or a couple of days sooner for New Mexico. If anyone goes before then let me know as I would love to get at least one more in.
  11. It's to bad because the construction industry is such a fun industry and Vegas has really taken a hit hard. Many of my buddies who work in construction are unemployed because there simply isn't any work here in Vegas. I'm hoping this thing turns around quick. I hear different things from some of my inspectors about a couple of builders throwing models on the ground in different areas. I think that most of the builders have cleaned out there standing inventory and are now just kinda hibernating until this thing bounces back. We gotta clear all these vacant homes out before we will see a big difference in the home building side. I think some builders are competing with vacant/foreclosed homes in their own neighborhoods. Vegas in general is still a good place to live and I hope that opportunities will keep me here for as long as I live.
  12. Man I keep having thoughts of those killer runs on Saturday! Even when we went to the night drags last summer I don't remember the sand being that smooth and untouched as we saw it on Saturday. That there was a great way to end the season just right.
  13. I think I will join ya! Hell Dumont 3 weeks in a row is a nice way to end the season wouldn't ya think!
  14. If there is anyone who understands your pain its me. I have two dogs of my own and one of them who is still very young for a dog (4 years old) has had health problems since his was a puppy. Progressively he is getting worse and worse and I know that it won't be to long before I too have to put him down. The thought of it keeps me awake at night and I dread the day that it comes. All I can do is spoil him to death and give him the best life I can until that day. It's amazing how our pets become apart of our family. I'm sorry you have come to this road but just try to think of the good life your dog has had thus far, if that helps any. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
  15. Don't know much about Taurus but I do know that you will love your XD40! I bought an XD45 compact a couple of years ago and it shoots like my best dream! In fact, I think either the 40 or the 45 made gun of the year a couple of years ago in guns and ammo magazine. Good choice on the Springfield!
  16. That crash was amazing! The rear tire ended up flying up to the front almost on top of the hood! The guy walked away unharmed! I'm gonna take my sisters kids when they come back in May! They will love it!
  17. I've heard about Mcfaddens Irish pub at the Rio is pretty fun. I'm gonna go check it out tonight around 8:00 and get some green killians.
  18. Kinda a bad habbit I agree. Some people love it some don't. I remember when the power of text came and and thinking "why not just call?" and then I got sucked in!
  19. Ill admit I'm one of these people that texts all the time. Sometimes it's more conveient because it's short and to the point without a lot of small talk in between. it doesn't help that my plan includes unlimited texting either. However I don't use it in the work place and do agree that it's not professional.
  20. We got there Saturday morning about 7:30 and it was a little windy but would calm down long enough for some killer rides. Sand was great and razors were peaked. Then about 1:00 the heavy wind came and it was put of control! We tried to stick it out for about an hour then we loaded up and headed out. Had to wear our goggles while loading up because it was so bad. It was weird how fast it came all the sudden.
  21. You gonna get your bike up and running before this weekend?? I'll be impressed if you tear down your bike, rebuild your top end, and break it all in before Saturday. For that I'll getcha a couple of Rockstar's but my money is on NO!!
  22. I'm looking forward to getting out there this weekend. Got a couple of buddies coming to help pick up trash.
  23. When I was in the military we had some type of a nextell radio that was amazing. Not sure if they had to pay for some kind of service or not but I went all the way to Philadelphia and used it to talk to someone in Dover DE. Might look into that.
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