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Everything posted by Chadwick

  1. Rob I would be interested in meeting you out there. Last time I went I didn't even unload my bike from my truck cause it was pooring rain. I'm dying for a good dune run!
  2. That's awful! My sympathy to friends and family.
  3. I think this is the race that one of my customers was telling me about. He showed me his car that he was racing. I thought it was a cool looking VW sandrail at first. Think he said he was racing in the unlimited class.
  4. Jakster looks like your getting the hang of your camera just fine! Those pics were sweet! Those dunes look blasted to hell
  5. It was good hanging with your family despite not getting to ride. Glad you had fun!
  6. I'm worried I will have to pry it from Anna's dead hands before I get it back!
  7. Well unless something drastically changes at work I will be there Saturday morning and leaving early Saturday evening. Sorry I can't stay longer Mr. Cheese but I gotta go get my dogs in Utah Saturday night but I'm looking to get as much riding time in on Saturday as we possibly can. I'll see you Saturday morning probably 8:00 or so.
  8. Or Bakersfield? Cole I thought about doing some government contract work when I got out of the air force in the middle east because you can make good money and most of them are tax free. It's a tough decision for sure for you having kids to think about now but the money aspect and experience can be a good thing too! I wish you luck on whatever you decide and hope it works out best for you.
  9. I'm planning on making a day trip this Saturday. Jonzing to get some time in at Dumont on an off weekend. I'll be there for the "meet the Cheese's"
  10. I'm not gonna lie I love my Rappy but I hated it until I upgraded the suspension. My skinny a$$ was getting beat down badly when I would ride. It's a lot of bike for me and sometimes I question if I should have gone with an LTR or YFZ instead. It's built a little better for us little people
  11. Geeze! Smokin Al's famous tri tip and girl scout cookies at that Regatta! You couldn't ask for a better weekend!
  12. Just out of curiosity, do these quads dune well or are they better for hill shooting? That seems like an aweful amount of power and it sounds incredibly fun but just was curious how well these things do out in the dunes.
  13. So far the best thing I have done that I have been the most satisfied with was upgrading my suspension. A more comfortable ride through the dunes made all the difference in the world. If it were me that is where I would start however it was costly but well worth it in my opinion. My confidence drastically increased after I upgraded my suspension because I wasn't getting bounced around all over the place.
  14. As some of you know I'm working out of Bakersfield temporarily. A couple of weeks ago I decided to get out of Bakersfield and go site seeing at Sequoia National Park. It was about a two hour drive from Bakersfield and well worth the drive. This place houses the largest trees on earth as well as the oldest. It is unknown exactly how old some of these trees are but they suspect some are well over 3500 years old. The oldest and largest tree on earth is known as the General Sherman tree. This thing is an absolute monster! I can't remember how big in diameter it is but words cannot describe how big this thing is. It is unknown how long these trees live for. What they do know is that lightning strikes and natural disasters such as fires rarely kill them. The bark alone on these suckers average about three inches thick. There only weakness is that the roots don't dig deep in the ground so heavy winds have been known to take these bad boys down. The seeds are tiny, very tiny. It's amazing how something so small can later become so big. If you have not already checked this place out I highly recommend doing so. It was absolutely beautiful out there and I will go once more before I come back home. It's $20.00 to get through the gate and if it's winter you will be required to have snow chains on your tires at a certain mile marker on the way up the mountain. If you don't already own snow chains no worries because I was able to rent them from a local store about a mile from the gate entrance. It was snowing pretty hard up there and being from Vegas it was pleasant to see some snow and it made for some really good pictures. Unfortunately my camera doesn't give a good perspective of how big these trees are. I was able to snap a shot of one that was sitting in front of the visitors center that gives a good view and someone took a couple of shots of me in front of the General Sherman tree. These are the only pics I have that give some kind of a good perspective of the massive size of these suckers. I hope you enjoy them! This is a good perspective of how big these guys are. Look at the size of the tree compared to the visitors center! The path to get to the General Sherman tree required you to walk through an old tipped over Sequoia! Here is the tallest and biggest tree on earth today. me standing in front of the General Sherman tree!
  15. That picture of the Blue Moon bottle on the firewood looks like it should be in a commercial or something.
  16. That place looked amazing! Those ships are bad a$$ and if I had $200,000 I would spend it for a mission in outer space. Thanks for sharing!
  17. Those pics of the sand on Sunday morning are priceless! I'm way jealous Glad everyone had fun and that there were not any mishaps. It doesn't look like it took Pete to long to get over his old car. That new car looks bad
  18. The plan is to go for a day trip on Saturday. I got a lot of family in town for Thanksgiving weekend so unfortunately I only will be able to go for the day. Stoked to get out there for sure!
  19. Once you go Mac, you never go back No seriously it won't take you long to get used to the new operating system. Apple makes their stuff so easy and user friendly.
  20. I had an awesome time this weekend out at Dumont! This was my first weekend out there on a holiday weekend and WOW there were a lot of people! Got out there late Friday afternoon and got my mid day nap in as early as I could get it Got up around 11:30 and sat around the camp fire until about 2:30. I was freezing my off until Pete put the coals around our seats and then that made all the difference in the world. Thanks Pete and Anna again for the warm place to stay! Got to meet some new faces this trip and everyone is always nice as usual Some highlights of the trip 1. Finally got a fast azz ride in Pete's sandrail on Saturday night! I have got to get me a sandrail ASAP! 2. Anna's mechanical monkey that we can't talk to much about on the family site.... 3. Saturday nights Carne Asada was perfect and hit the spot. 4. Smokin Al's ribs were to die for! (Thanks Al!) 5. Mary yelling at me for not getting the 144 beers out to everyone sooner. 6. And most important is that I got plenty of :kissass: :kissass: :kissass: (I need my beauty rest!) All together I had a lot of fun and was so happy to get out there! Unfortunately I won't make the poker run but I do plan on making a day trip for Thanksgiving A couple of the guys from work are talking about going on the 21st of this month so I'll hope to see more of you then!
  21. When we gonna see you around at Dumont Cheese? I already got my stuff put together and I'm ready for next weekend for sure! First holiday weekend for me at the D and I'm looking forward to it!
  22. I forgot that you broke two chairs! I only remembered it being one! :headspin: Oh and by the way no more 5 hour energy drinks for you! You reminded me of watching the old Beavis and Butthead videos where Beavis went berserk after to much sugar! That was some funny azz chit!
  23. So a couple of guys I work with who mainly ride dirt bikes asked if I wanted to go to Dumont just for a day trip on Saturday. It didn't take much convincing to talk me into so I decided to go . We arrived about 7:00 a.m. and the weather was a little brisk but felt great once we got riding. As the day went on it got a little hot outside but as long as you were riding it wasn't to bad. This was my first time I have ridden since my broken wrist and it was a little stiff at first but overall it felt great. Man it was good to be riding again! Lost my nerve a little bit a first and then after the first ride it was like it never happened. I had a lot of fun today and am looking forward to next weekend now. :halloween: I looked for some of the other DDR peeps that I knew would be out but I couldn't find anyone. Here are some pics! Enjoy!
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