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Everything posted by Chadwick

  1. Those mac books are sweet! Id like to have one of those some day to but I need more of a stationary computer for pro tools software. The Power Mac's are ideal for power tools and other heavy processor operating software but cost about $2500 just for a basic package. I've been hearing about the new iMac and how it is supposed to be close enough for pro tools but wanna make sure before I drop the cash.
  2. Currently I have a Power Mac G5 and love it but after 5 years and Apple deciding to use Intel chips completely I'm thinking it's time to upgrade. Does anyone here have a recent iMac or the brand new one for that matter? If so what do you think about it? I'm thinking that the Power Mac might be a little excessive for my daily use and that an iMac might be a less expensive choice and will more the suite my needs. Also, how are the iMac's working with ProTools if you know??
  3. Where do you come up with all this stuff? Very funny!
  4. This will be the first Halloween I have been out at Dumont. In fact this will be the first big holiday weekend that I have been out at Dumont. Is it true that 30,000 to 40,000 people will show up on a busy weekend? Or was that more evident when the economy was doing really well rather than in the dump??
  5. You couldn't have picked a better song to go along with your video. Nice job on the shoot!
  6. I think it's a great idea! I'll use the facility thats for sure! Good luck!
  7. Good looking baby Cole! She looks happy that's for sure!
  8. Injuries are much better, I'm really working hard on different exercises to work out the stiffness in my wrist. In a little under a week it's gotten a lot better. I would imagine a couple of more weeks and I'll be ready to ride.
  9. Damn! Those are some good looking pics of everyone! Despite the wind on Saturday the dunes looked amazing. Excited for the next trip!
  10. Rob, thanks again for the killer run in your bad a$$ rail! It was my first time in one and it made me really want to get one. Thanks for the pic at the pole too!
  11. Cole, don't hold out....What happened?
  12. I'll be there Saturday regardless! Looking forward to it for sure!
  13. Got a friend coming from Maryland. This is her first trip ever and she is coming to Vegas. She wants to see what I have been ranting about and we will be there saturday morning. I'm getting my cast off this thursday so I can't imagine feeling well enough to ride but I'll kill some beers with the DDR peeps. See ya Saturday!
  14. WOW! Looks good Aaron! Where did you get the new plastics?
  15. Looks like a fun project. I like the car! good luck.
  16. Get some cool pics for us! Have a blast! :mischevious:
  17. :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah: :ah:
  18. So what are you trying to say? What's wrong with eharmonizing at Walmart? :no_no:
  19. Oh my god!! These are all photos of people taken at Walmart. The website doesn't always load perfect so if it doesn't work good at first reload it again and then sit back and get ready to laugh your tail off. people of walmart
  20. I prefer this picture of you wearing a bra on your head!
  21. Today my doctor called me to tell me Know that my last x Ray looked really good and that surgery will not be required. I was really gonna hate that so this is great news. Next Thursday they will cut my cast size down a bit so I can bend my arm again and then probably will need to wear it for another 4 weeks or so. After that they will give me a Velcro support to wear as needed. I told my doctor that no matter what happens I need to have this cast off by late October! When I told him why he laughed!!
  22. Hey jr, I'm sorry to hear that! We will keep you in and your friends family in our thoughts. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
  23. You work there don't you? Are we going to see any good footage of you?? That would be kinda cool! I have never actually been there but I heard and have seen pics and it looks like a fun party for sure! I have heard there is always a big line there and it can be difficult getting in sometimes. I'll have to check it out someday.
  24. Mesaboogie builds there amps like a tank! They have superb sound and have been my favorite for years now. Owned Marshall's, Orange and Fenders in the past but my Mesa has never failed me. Good job on the buy!
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