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Everything posted by Chadwick

  1. Guess it's official!! Iphone available for Verizon as early as February!! I read a little bit about it this morning and although I love my iphone but hate AT&T I think I'm gonna wait it out for a little bit to see what the feedback is from others. Read that the 3g coverage with the iphone on Verizon will not be the same as the droid and not nearly as fast either. I've been an apple fan for almost a decade now because their software is so stable and usually the products are state of the art. However, I have always been very upset with the coverage on the AT&T service but stuck with it regardless. Very exciting news today because although it's a new product to Verizon, I think they are a solid provider and will prove to be better than AT&T.
  2. Damn Aaron how long did that take to make because it was worth every minute of it!!
  3. Very sad story! My heart goes out to the family and friends of those involved.
  4. Way to go Bert!! Congrats on the newest addition to your family!!
  5. Pure Evil tuned my bike for me. Was very happy with the results. Good luck!
  6. Good pics Pete!! Yeah must be nice to go to a cool a$$ job every day! Congrats Anna on your newest job!
  7. Good shots pete!! The ones of Mike's RC Car are bad a$$. Almost looks like a full size truck out there racing! Saturday was exactly what I needed. It was a short day but well worth it. Man that place was empty and the sand was perfect!! Not to mention that it was 70 degrees out there in middle of December. It couldn't have been more perfect! Bert has to be the proudest owner of a sandrail that I've met so far. One of these days I'd like to sit in on that thing and go for a ride. Can't wait to go again.
  8. Just serviced the quad, waxed and polished it for the weekend. Looking forward to it!
  9. Sorry about your arm Jay!! Joe told me what happened and that it happened on one of the first runs out there. Get better soon!
  10. Looks like a fun time. Glad there weren't any mishaps or accidents other than Randogs axle going out.
  11. Ah man what a fantastic weekend out at Dumont this weekend. I didn't participate in the poker run this year but I had fun driving around to the different stations to visit with Pete, Anna and Nick! Nick lead some killer runs on the quad on Saturday and one early morning run on Sunday. Man those dunes on Sunday were incredibly smooth! I got plenty of sleep on both nights and as usual Anna and friends made for some good humor at my expense. Last week was a rough week at work and hanging in the dunes with friends was exactly what I needed. Thanks again Pete and Anna for your hospitality!
  12. Good video Steve! Thanks for sharing.
  13. Anna's shot from the cars are bitchen!! The shot from Lou's car aiming backyards at the right rear tire should go up on pic of the month!!
  14. Good shots Freak!! I think the Saturday morning runs were my favorite part of the trip I got my first fast run through the sand in Pete's sand rail and was holding on to the "oh sh*t" bars so hard my hands felt cramped It was amazing and makes me want a rail in the worst way now! It was a great trip and I'm looking forward to many more this season. The pollo asada was out of control on Friday 10 and half pounds for four people might be to much! I had a good time and I'm looking forward to seeing some of vegastyle's videos that he got of some of our runs. Good times for sure!!
  15. Well I guess with the extreme heat still this weekend and the fact that this thread has been dead it's safe to assume that not a lot of people will be making it out this weekend. Last year a couple of us went the weekend before Halloween for a day trip before the big crowds came in. It was beautiful weather and the sand was perfect. I'd like to make it out there at least once before halloween to get some less congested riding in. If I or anyone else plans on going before then post up before hand. Every morning I wake up and check the weather report hoping for cooler weather in the coming days. I'm getting the itch really bad!
  16. It'd be nice if you could make it Pete. Gonna be warm for sure but I'm so friggen excited I can't hardly stand it anymore.
  17. Ugghhhh. That is still a little warm for my taste. Oh well, gonna show up as early as possible and get some early morning runs in. Aaron (Sand700R) and I are leaving around 4:00 am so we can beat the heat and get some time in the sand. I hope more of you can make it out. It will be the first time I've been out on my quad since my Coral Pink trip back in early May.
  18. Major bummer cheese! I got your message and I'm sorry you can't make it. Family does come first so I understand. See ya soon!
  19. I'm a little worried about the heat factor as well. I'm gonna get up real early Saturday morning and ride in the early hours of the day if possible. I looked at the 15 day forecast and it's still saying triple digits for that week and weekend. Whenever I think it's not gonna be a good idea I refer to the trip report from July Early AM Ride and I get pretty motivated again.
  20. $5k?? Jeeezzzee!! Wonder if ShowerQueen will put up another post about coming out and then not show up again.
  21. If my memory is right it was really windy out there last kick off weekend. Let's keep our fingers crossed for better weather!
  22. Uhhh yes!! Cheese called me today and asked me the same question and before he could even finish his sentence I shouted out, YES!! Might even have to show up to ride with ya on 4 stroke wars day too Jakster.
  23. Ok, so the other night I prepped my bike all up and got it ready for opening weekend. That got me rather anxious, but today the weather was absolutely beautiful and had me day dreaming of sand runs all friggen day!! Then to make matters worse I just got home stepped on my bike and started it up and sat on it for a minute acting like a five year old on his big wheel. I'm only hoping that tomorrow I can keep some of my sanity because my head wasn't where it needed to be today. Rest assured I'm so ready for opening weekend!
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