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Everything posted by Big_Gunz_

  1. Some of the DSD Crew are making a trip down to Glamis on X-Mas day (Monday) and staying to Friday. We'll be leaving Friday and heading up to Dumont for the rest of the weekend to New Years Day. We'll see you guys up there for a .
  2. A DSD member took this photo Saturday.
  3. Glad to hear you're okay. We saw you go over and the mob that left to check on you. We all live and learn from our mistakes, god knows I have. See you in the sand.
  4. This one hits really close to home with the DSD Crew. Please send your thoughts and prayers to the family for the loss of Terry. Godspeed Terry, the DSD Crew will miss you. Malcolm
  5. It's over at the DSD.com site, YFZBob posted it so let me see if I can find it.
  6. That's where the DSD Crew camps. We're several hundred yard northwest of the outhouse #3. Nice and quiet out there.
  7. You got it Pete. If you don't find us, we'll find you.
  8. The DSD.com crew will be there at the normal spot. Should be around 15 campers in the group this trip.
  9. Happy Birthday DDR :headbang:
  10. Happy B-Day ISBB . If I was up there I'd buy you a couple cold ones . I'll be up there at the end of week if you can wait that long.
  11. It was nice to meet everyone Friday night, thanks for the great welcome. We'll be back up in your neighborhood at the end of the month so lets plan for a day or two on the lake. Here's a couple of pictures from the weekend. And Litte_Gunz_ bringing in his first fish
  12. Will do, I'm thinking we'll be off the lake around 4pm so we should be ready to go by 6pm for dinner and drinks.
  13. Dinner and a drink sounds good. What is PT's? Is it kid friendly so we can bring the boy with us? If so, we can meet there.
  14. We'll be there late tonight and hitting the lake early tomorrow. We should be back to the hotel by 6pm so anytime after that. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Pete, I'll give you a call when we get off the lake. Where's a good place in the Fiesta to meet?
  15. That's been talked about since this event started many moons ago. The problem is that the event runs day and night and we never had support vehicles that could go off road the whole way. Plus, would you want to run down a dirt trail at 2 or 3am? We did and still do this event, on our own time. All the people involved are volunteers and they give their time to support this event. If it could be done in a different way or on a different route, they would do it.
  16. Point well made. Yes, you think they would know better but all I can say is that they put the runners safety first. Being that I have participated in this run in the past and I still know some of the members that organize it, I'll pass this information on so hopefully they can fix it for next year. This issue will be something that will have to be passed on to the drivers of the support vehicles for the runners.
  17. dunefreak, I can understand you frustration on your trip home. What you ran into was the annual “Baker to Vegas” run. This run involves Fire Departments, Law Enforcement, Military Personnel, and other government agencies throughout the west coast. You’re probably right that they took a lot of space on the Hwy, but they needed to protect the runners. I hope you can let it go and understand that it only happens once a year. They may have cause you trouble this weekend, but they are the ones that saves our lives and homes when there’s a fire, protect and serve when crime occurs, and keep this country that we live in save.
  18. I found this on another website. Quote: Yes, another one..Two more of our fellow OHV lov'n community members passed away yesterday. Just before sundown, they jumped their buggy into a bowl, landed on the lid and the buggy caught fire. The two occupants did not make it. I'm only posting this as another reminder to US all to be careful. My most sincere condolences go out to the friends and family.
  19. I took the time to look into this issue too, little over a month ago. I read everything about 6v vs 12v. Yes, 6v's do last longer and can handle more of a beating than 12v's. But my concern was if you only had two 6v's and you lose one for some reason (say one goes bad), you lose your electrical system. But if you have two 12v’s and you lose one, you can still work with the last one. So I made the decision to go with four Group 27 12v’s in mine. They hold enough power to last the weekend and I run the generator for about an hour a day to keep them powered up. I know they may not last as long as 6v’s, but if I keep up on the maintenance, they’ll last long enough for me.
  20. I have a tribal band tattoo on my right upper arm.
  21. We'll be making the trail ride for the first time during the clean up weekend too. We're heading up Thursday night, doing the trail ride on Friday and the clean up on Saturday.
  22. I know some of the DSD crew will be out there for both weekends. We'll be camping in the normal DumontSandDunes.com area, about 200 yards west of outhouse 3. Look for the banner on Bob's rig.
  23. Wow, that things is huge. How many rooms are in that thing.... nice looking rig
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