same here been super busy! I wanted to go opening w end but it was to hot so I'm trying to fit a day trip in. Well if you change your mind let me know. if not I'll be out for the poker run thurs morn to Sunday. I can save a spot for you I you want.
ya I need a sand fix anyone else thinking of a day trip? if your near me we can ride together I have a big flatbed trailer. I know most you guys are in the Vegas area tho. anyway leta make it happen!
that's what I'm doing. this weekend is our last river trip. then next weekend I'll be day trippin to D idk care if it's hot but hopefully you come out pete havent got to shred on the quad with you yet
I know pete just messin' with ya. Thats why im thinking just a day trip for me aswell for the heat factor.
BUT, should be some fresh azzzz dunes!
Cheese, the Regatta will be more fun anyway! :atc: