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Everything posted by DunerDan

  1. Pete what happened to your car? Glad everyone had a good weekend i wish i coulve gone with you jak!
  2. no trouble at unless you have a halfton v8 and you can utilize both lanes in a few spots
  3. lol wow awesome thread!!! Chevys motors are cheap usually have a little more stock hp than ford, but i own ford trucks because they are SOLID
  4. Hahah ya AND the weather forecast is always SPOT on lol
  5. Hey jack you makin a day trip sat? I was thinkin anout makin one to...wanna carpool?
  6. lou has one for sale I think is 650 but I'll let him chim in
  7. I figured it would of been a 70 pulling a trailer
  8. Yes started out good till you had to go and get a flat then jinx that corner so i wadded up I thought you had a 70 in the works.....
  9. happy bday man! was great to meet you man! always keeping a cold coors in your hand while mc'n hahah
  10. I think alot of us were there were sooo many great moments! glad to meet you and the wife you guys were awesome!
  11. you were drunk?? that was a super fun night. i like Anna's comment. "You can tell when Pete is drunk when his eyes are as red and freckled as his skin" :drunk2: hahaha like I said great night!
  12. lol it was a very late night conversation lol. yes defintly she is mad she couldn't go, next time for sure!
  13. Monkie was my manager I guess hahaha!! u guys takin off onthe 70 was hilarious! glad to meet you guys it was a great weekend and can't wait for another trip! o and are you affiliated with Travis?? he owns a REAL outhouse hahahah
  14. I pretty much survived on the couple boxs I gt from you hahaha. thanks ti had a great time! RZR-S is suhweet!
  15. it was a blast!! thanks to Al for sown great grub!! Great meeting you guys! everyone! Randizzle, Cole, Tim, jaskster, Travis n Tori, Skinner, I'm sure I for got a few but serious all you guys were awesome to hang with. Glad I was able to come out and help next year I'll be racin for shizzle lol. I think someone got a couple Ricky Bobby jumping over the fire lol
  16. sucks man I was lookin forward to meet you someone around my neck of the woods! I'll race ur 70 for lol. hope we meet soon man!
  17. ya Robby Gordon turned him onto it during the las Vegas week race few years ago
  18. yyyyeeeaaaaa!!! sounds great! I'll see you fri morn!
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