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  • Name
  • Sand Toys
    17 Ram 4x4 DRW, 17 Genisis Supreme 40 cr, 06 Funco Big 5 14 &17 RZR's
  • Location
    Clarksburg ,Ca
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Retired Crane Operator

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  1. I'm all for it but be advised they paved the road into Sand Mountain NV and installed several large concrete dips for drainage at aproxamatly every quarter mile , the speed limit is 25 and the dips keep it that way. YMMV
  2. Awesome video sad we had to bail, thanks for sharing.
  3. Great report thanks for sharing for those that couldn't make it.
  4. So sad to say that we're not going to make it this year, bummed out we were really looking forward to this trip!☹️☹️
  5. We're in will be there Thursday morning
  6. Happy Thanksgiving to all where ever you are!
  7. Thanks for sharing sorry we missed it!
  8. Awesome trip report and pic's thanks for sharing! Paul
  9. Great report thanks for posting for those of us that didn't get out!
  10. Very nice to see people helping each other out👍
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