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Everything posted by boggsy

  1. we will be there..bringing our 3 month old for his first desert trip Also have some friends comming and staying in a tent..does anybody know if the shower lady is going to be there
  2. I have a four seat beam car that this might be perfect for.. What is the measurement eyelet to eyelet
  3. is that a BBQ on offroad tires in the back ground.. Bad azz
  4. I am looking to mount some tie down racks and a flash lite holder in my attitude 5th wheel. What does everyone use to secure them to the walls, and is it ok to drill into them. Some guidence would be apreciated. All of our pictures and key holders are secured with 3m adhesive, but i think the tiedown holder will need some screws....?
  5. boggsy


    It worked out great. Very happy with the modifications. Thank you for the help..will post some pics later
  6. You can aproach it two ways. Show all engine and transmision receipts and pay taxes on that or show a bill of sale for what you paid for the complete vehicle. Bill of sale for complete vehicle is way to go with less hassel. It took me 3 weeks to get an apointment with CHP inspection, and time at dmv. With an apoitment with dmv its no problem...in and out.
  7. Its very easy, just did iy myself. Take your bill of sale to the DMV and start paperwork( IE pay reg fees ect, fill out aplication) Then the dmv will give you paperwork that you need to take to the CHP vehicle inpection department. They give th buggy a once over checking engine and trans vin numbers. Take chp's paperwork back to DMV and they give you green sticker and mail the new pink slip.
  8. hi all..Looking for a local fabricator to do some work on my buggie. Looking to change front beam to an extended warrior front beam and it will need some welding work. Also looking for some new rear shocks and mounts..any help. I live in Upland, ca 91786
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