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Ocotillo Boy

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  1. 1998 Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird 31K miles, tags till November, pink slip in hand Gen Mar bar risers, Zero Gravity double bubble windscreen, Honda factory service manual, bike cover This bike is extremely clean!! Freshly serviced, ready for summer. NEVER crashed, dropped, tipped over..... $3650.00 951-522-3626
  2. I think you did very good. Lets see a pic of it. Does it have side panels and a wing trunk?
  3. Pretty awesome deal. I'll have to look for pics but my wife 37, and little girl 8 have done this twice so far. 3rd time is coming soon. VERY big hearts, the 2 of them.
  4. If your buggy is that front engine thing you may be in luck. you're buggy is semi futuristic-different looking. They would have to do very little mods to it and I think you may be a good match. FWIW.......I almost had them talked into $2500.00. By that time I decided it was not worth it for me. 800miles total. gas and diesel money. 3 days in dez plus the 4 trips to a modifier. About a weeks worth of time really with about $500.00 in exspenses made me decide it STILL was not even close to worth it. He called me asking about resheldue but I said I was not interested. He MIGHT go 2.5K so theres some info for ya.
  5. I think he's gonna have a hard time finding someone. They want to do some exstensive mods to the buggy. FULLY enclose the engine, soloar panels on the roof and extend the wing trunk to make it look like a solar fin. I would have to make 4 trips total to and from the buggy modifier for getting the mods done and undone. 3 days total filming (away from home & in the middle of the week requiring time off work) with it being at 2 different locations. You will need both sand and Dez tires for your buggy. Buggy will be driven by Scientist dudes who have ZERO experiance driving buggies much less in the dunes. There would be MANY hours spent on the phone working everything out with an aluminum guy and corrdinating and such. For all this running around.....taking 3 days off work..........letting a 70K buggy be modified AND driven by gear grinding morons.......and the obvious 70K "buggy rental"....... He made a generous offer of gas money PLUS $500.00 total. Not a day but TOTAL!! :?: Needless to say I kindly declined his generous offer after I spit coffee all over my keyboard and counter offered. He did not accept and said he would call me Monday but I had a job come in for that time frame so I sent him an email saying sorry I HAD to take work. That gave me time to think about it and I decided I want no parts of this deal at all. I just hung up with him and told him that because he was inquiring about a different scheldue. Good luck to him........he's gonna need it :porn:
  6. I just sent her an email with pics and my # so we'll see what happens...... :B
  7. That would be awesome! I can supply you with enough beer to kill ya Thanks Bro! Everyone except Raspadoo?!?!?! :comp:
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