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Everything posted by photodude

  1. I had the time of my life at the dunes today! Mike, Jodi, Cory, Cole & Dave are amazing ppl. Thank you for helping me get up close and personal with the dunes, a powerful and respecting force. The photos are amazing and we look forward to doing it again in the next couple weeks. The early morning adventure was well worth it! We had to be out by 10am because the temp was so hot. You guys rock!! Thanks Michael!
  2. Hi! Your number never came thru. please try again. mikaleboo@gmail.com
  3. Thank you for the welcoming. I would prefer to be out there Saturday driving all over the dunes.... up at the top and down below. i'd prefer to shoot in the late afternoon to evening due to light and heat issues..... however this brings up a good question. which way do the dunes face? when the sun is going down do you know if it will be at our backs if we are looking at the dunes? here is my email if you want to discuss further. mikaleboo@gmail.com What kind of ride do you have? The pictures look amazing of some of the rides i see on here....fun times!
  4. I am new to the board. i am doing a photo project and am planning to be at dumont dunes May 16 -17. What i realized at the last minute is it will be hard to get around without the proper ride... is there anyone here planning to be at dumont this weekend? If not is there anyone i can convince to come out if i pay for gas and give you $300 or so to give me a ride around the dunes? I need 2-3 hours of your time.... let me know if you are interested. Thank you and happy friday!!! java script:emoticon('',%20'smid_5')
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