got back from Dumont about a hour ago. delived Big Reds buggy there w ere about fifty motor home and hauler out there the wind was blowing pretty good just a couple quad playing still lots of room mhen I left I passed about another twenty coming in. They were grading the road and putting fill dirt in some of the bad spots. well that my day trip.
As I under stand it there are lots of these things all over the world and you go find them and put some thing in them to mark it and then go on line and post that you found it and on what date. there is one in the little dunes at Dumont. Has anyone found it ?
Can you build a set of ramps to lift the frount end up so it will have more roomto go in don't now if you have the room to do this but I have see it done. they built the ramps to the heigth of the counter so the car would fit.If not let me now and I can come and pull your car or trailer