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Mustache Motorsports

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  1. Great weekend trip. Had 7 buggies in the group. Weather and sand was great Friday afternoon and Saturday. After lunch Sunday got blown out. No rain to speak of. Stayed til Monday. Sand should be awesome for Pres weekend Saturday night sunset cruise Chillin watching the sunset Wife's birthday Saturday. Went all out and got her an Apple Watch Sunsets Sunday night from camp
  2. Thanks Pete for putting on a great weekend. Also, thank all the guys that helped us get my daughters car out of the hole and back on Sunday. I think Pete needs to sell 3/4 x 3/4 heim joints next year, could finance The whole weekend
  3. There will be 4 and cars in our group. Getting there early afternoon
  4. until

    Clicked the going button already. There will be 3 buggies with us.
  5. Had a great 5 day trip. On Thursday our camp of about 10 rigs got visited by 3 rangers. They were very pointe and we had a good discussion about Dumont and what was happening around. They went to several members of our camp and had them fill our surveys along with passing out flyers for the cleanup and junior ranger pamphlets. They were very complimentary of Pete and the Buggy Roundup. All in all it was a very encouraging encounter. Of course the warm cookies that just happen to come out of the oven when they showed up didn't hurt.
  6. There will be 3 in our group with 2 rails. See you Friday
  7. Does the pump suck out of the top or bottom? A lot of the pumps for fuel injection do not like to suck out of the top and need to have some head pressure to work. If that be the case you might need an in tank pump.
  8. We run Dumont mostly. Glamis about twice a year. Run with about 3-6 rails. Don't know how you run without radios. Never fails we will have one car without a radio and it is the biggest pain in the butt, especially if they seem to not be able to keep up. Even the RZRs in our group run radios. Anyway, never a specific channel, just whatever we happen to be on. It is by far the best addition to anyone's rail. Just my 2 cents.
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