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Everything posted by trqjnky

  1. pete buddy, thats a badazz muthabitchen car!!! where the picks of the spindles???? lol...
  2. getting rid of the V8 killer tim???!!!!!! well, if you must. the dejong cars are great cars. it will take some getting used to dealing with the fenders. but other than that, they are well built cars.
  3. oh thats messed up kayla.. lol Im just gonna post random pics now
  4. oh dear god this is too much. this kids never gonna log onto the site again....
  5. holy chit!! thats some funny chit!!!
  6. drink one for me guys. i miss the t.t. fun
  7. oh he11, this is too funny. bwuahahahaha!!!!
  8. do it craig... you know you want to....
  9. what the he11??????? this is by far one of the most desperate attempts at getting hooked up, ever. sad, sad, sad.. and wierd tooo..... edit.... your moobs are bigger than your biceps...
  10. i just might. anyone have a room for rent out there?????
  11. trqjnky


    if ya want some 4.11 gears, i have a 9" thirdmember barneycar
  12. Hey Hey peeps, I was just seeing what everyones plans were for ST. pattys day. I figured if there was going to be something going on i would head back to vegas for the weekend. Sooo, whats everyones plans?
  13. hoopefully in the next couple of weeks ill make my way back to vegas to get it finished up. ill be sure to post pics. im not looking forward to sitting in a dam chair for 4 hours. o well.
  14. dial up beware on this post...... but dam! the car is looking goooood pete!!!!
  15. boy pete, you get all outta shape when people call hendertucky a dump....lol
  16. illl keep my mouth shut on this one.... this vids old. i think its been on eery funniest home videos show ever made.....
  17. HAPPY BDAY TIM!!!!! look forward to seeing ya in hemet sometime soon...
  18. you a$$... thats all i had at the time.... it sucked i know this...
  19. better than your rainbow you have on your shoulder cole............
  20. LOL, im having the skirt and pom poms custom tailored this week actually. Im actually sitting in el cajon right now. it sucks cause i know no one here. so im really bored.
  21. i never thought i'd say this, but that 4 door long box dually will be easier to park than the old truck.lol.... very nice, i like the color.
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