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Everything posted by trqjnky
Peanut butter jelly time! peanut butter jelly time! peanut butter jelly with a whiffle ball bat!
very nice ken!
lol, the pompous a$$ beast......
that would be cool kenny. have pete hook it up. before someone else steals it. you seem like pompous a$$ would fit you for a screen name, in a good funny sorta way.lol....
must be soy milk huh kenny????
pompous a$$ is just a cool name. i wouldnt mind being a pompous a$$.. it sounds rich and flashy
skyz, put a "space" in the middle of the word.....
whaaaat? lol.. sky, i didnt quite understand your post, what was that? im sorry, just really tired..
well blondie, ill speak up with things i have witnessed, although i know im not alone in these views.... a lot of the problems on the board are revolving around you. either youre starting trouble yourself, or starting trouble for others, saying something offensive or otherwise uncalled for, slapping people, etc. etc... usually these are after a long night of partying. during the day youre fun peep most times, but at night the "other" side comes out, just something to think about. what im saying is that sometimes its better to keep your thoughts about others to yourself. give people thier own chance to judge someone from personal experience and not by something that they were told from someone with an extremely biased opinion. dont take this as a personal attack on you, im just mentioning what has happened in the past and present... the person that wants to go beat up the other person by the campfire one night usually doesnt keep totally honest about the situation, they tend to stretch the truth to make the person look worse and make themselves look better while telling the stories. and sometimes what you see happening isnt the case. i hate to see that happen to someone that has done nothing wrong and is a good fun peep, people forming bad opinions about them when they havent even met yet... and before you go talking about me, i know there have been instances that ive been a $hit, and almost always after drinking too much. thats why i myself have slowed down the pace while drinking lately because i see what happends and the next day i regret it and feel embarassed. edit... hopefully i wont be left out to dry and some other people with exress thier opinions about these situations.
bravooooooooooo, i think vaginas are wayyy cool!
my friend is a artist at diversity on rancho and craig.
here is an idea of what it will look like when done. this is a similar tattoo. i wanted something very original that not many people have. this is the only thing ive found even close to mine...
Cant you read blondie????? here, ill put it in bold letters for ya....
here it is, my first tattoo. go big or go home right???? right down my spine covers a fair bit of my back too. it is a little bigger than i was originally planning but what the heck. this part took a tad over 2 hours to complete, and i have about another 3 hours of shading/coloring left to do. to explain it, it is bio-mechanical. it is armor plating that looks like its under my skin and the skin is torn open. the jagged lines are going to be shaded and will create the appearance of torn and folded skin. and it will look like armor plating when done. we have a lot of shading left to do and some coloring to get the desired affects and appearance. the top part hurt the most, on the top knuckle of the spine, the rest wasnt that bad. it did hurt more than i expected, but nothin i couldnt handle.
oh god, first the candy cane and adult film pics and now this. my dignity is gone.lol last night was good times.
thanks guys, ill be back in vegas once a month or every other month. i still have a few things going on in vegas that im committed to. and of course i cant leave dumont so ill be out there.
as the sand blows........ pete, that map is hilarious!!!
now, are you sure having a sand car with one arm is safe? that seems like it would put other people in danger.. im joking of course, VERY nice car!!!! what kind of car is it?
thanks ken, youre one of the "some" im gonna miss.
as the sand blows........
ToNiGhT wAs GoOd TiMes!!!!! ThAnKs FoR tHe WeLl WiShEs EvErYoNe. im gonna miss some of you guys and gals.
hmm, very interesting.