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Everything posted by trqjnky

  1. im stopping by my tattoo guy first, depending on if i get the tat tonight or wait till tomorrow will determine when i show up. hopefully around 8ish
  2. Im gonna be in henderson tonight for t.t. look forward to seeing everyone there!!!!
  3. wow, the big-bodies are in an uproar on this subject now arent they??? i know a ton of people that can fit into 32-34 waist size. Dont worry guys, big & tall does photo shoot too. look into them... lol, j/k i really dont care.
  4. guy bought a plot of farmland and it had a giant building with the doors welded shut. he cut the doors open and found this..... http://mma.tv/tuf/index.cfm?ac=ListMessage...FID=2&pc=27
  5. now, before everyone starts screaming "Kill the Pitbull!!!" i want to ask one question. was either dog on a leash or did one dog jump thier fence? or escape from the yard? because every single breed of dog will fight with another dog if they dont like each other.vie seen a miniature pincher try to attack a st. bernard once. The way it sounds is the pitbull got in your yard. but if your dog was walking around and wandered into the other dogs yard, then well.... ill leave it at that.. sorry to hear about the loss of the dog though. that sucks.
  6. is t.t. gonna be at PTS again this week??? i think ill just make my final apperance there instead of going out 2 nights this week.
  7. i just got back in vegas. well see how many people are up for wed night. if not then ill just show up to t.t.
  8. where was the 2 wheeler jump at???!!! i gotta find that jump
  9. oh man nick, that sucks!! sorry to hear that. my bike doesnt run either..
  10. im on that loser list. im stuck in iowa.. BOOOO. and its snowing here... it suuuuucks
  11. sounds like an insurance job to me.... IM KIDDING, damm man, that sucks! you can always buy new shocks/quads/graphics/tires/etc, but jeesh, that signature by the Kangaroo Kid was something that you cant get out of a catologue or website. I agree, i have noticed a lot more thefts lately. dunno why except the weather is starting to get warmer maybe???? Im sorry about your luck and hope you get them back. i hate effin theives!!
  12. yea, its about like the road to comp hill, only Longer. sandy, with some rocks scattered throughout.
  13. Those guys probably bought them (maybe), and spend all thier time practicing wheelies. and have never actually ridden them offroad. This ones even better!!!
  14. Just a heads up for everybody that might be trying to get ahold of me, im heading back to iowa untill wed. ill be back in vegas on wed. so ill talk to ya later, this drive sucks.. btw, im just going back because a buddy is driving right through and its a free ride to go see the folks before i move to cali.
  15. trqjnky

    new toy?

    i need another project like i need a hole in the head. but i had a buddy that is a ktm fanatic offer me a trade for the 2000 300 exc ktm i have. He wants to give me 500 dollars and a 1973 harley 900cc???? bobber bike. all the parts are there, fenders and tank need painted, and the tranny has no 2nd gear. its lowered 2.5" in the rear with the stock chrome spoke rims. it has quite a bit of shiney chrome parts and whatnots. and yes i know i suck for not having pics, ill get them tomorrow hopefully. if i end up getting the bike.
  16. well cole, at least you dont have deadbeat roomates that screwed ya out of over 900 dollars this month like me.... no insurance against that.... im gonna kill someone here....
  17. 1320, if ya are heading down, thatd be great! give me a call 712-310-7802. dan
  18. we delivered it last night...
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