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Everything posted by trqjnky

  1. danger? last night was "differant". GOOD TIMES!!!
  2. mcguires aluminum polish..... edit: also, try DUCKIES. its made for taking off water spots. but i think it would work on that too.. BTW It works GREAT on removing water spots.
  3. hey, it can be gas. figured a diesel would handle the mountains better with a fully loaded box and trailor. and the iguana would be in my car, im driving it out.
  4. trimspa worked soo good it not only melted away her fat, but her internal organs too!!! i bet the sales for trimspa tank...
  5. i dunno then, pic a date, im not doing shiat. ive got all the free time in the world untill i move
  6. as soon as i get my rent lease transfered to another person im outta here. my current roomate is looking to do it this week. a going away party sounds like not a terrible idea pete. i think maybe this weekend? since i might head out as soon as next week and dont wana miss everyone while they are at dumont.
  7. i think hes saying that you say shes moving a lot.....
  8. hey, if anyone wants to help move my stuff to san diego ill pay ya for it. getting a uhaul and car trailor is 300-350 plus all the gas. i dont have that much stuff, I figured it out and it would be cheaper to pay someone gas for both ways plus a little extra. its not something that has to happen, but i figured if someone wanted to go to san diego for free this might interest someone. ill pay your way down and back, give you a little extra, and we can check out san diego. i can move whenever someone has a day or two off. (4.5hr drive). if anyone is up to it, let me know....
  9. Im gonna take the job in san diego, good pay, Im gonna learn a lot and be able to get a name for myself in the industry. Im gonna be working with probably the best wiring guy on the west coast. Some of his accounts include the MONSTER energy drink trophy truck, the luxury prerunners, jesse james trophy truck and hes also done hsi Biker Buildoff bikes. Its been great times with you peeps, and ill be around the website often. ill probably make it to dumont on the bigger weekends. cant give up dumont. im bummed that ill be 4.5 hours away.
  10. Im moving out of the house im currently renting. The landlord is a friend of mine and i was just posting this up for her. the house is 3 bed 2 bath with a 2 car garage. 1200 square feet i think is what it is. its in a pretty nice neighborhood with good neighbors. Rent is $950 a month. plus a $950 deposit. Washer/drier/fridge are included with house. located off of tropical and camino del norte. if you want to come check out the house, call me on my cell 712-310-7802. pets are ok with pet deposit. thanks Dan
  11. yeah, its kinda like that. but ya gotta start somewhere. just come by camp in dumont and say hello.
  12. thought this was the year the bears were gonna win it all, but... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQxEvv4_8Mk
  13. my observations 1) i mixed too many different kinds of alcohol 2) food was great! :dance: 3) rex grossman sucks hole... 4) you get a free jack antenna ball from jitb if you were a bears fan. 5) no sobe bombs in town!!!! 6) never except a beer from tiff, its shaken up . by the time you ask what it is for ,she points it a craig for ya, not my fault. i didnt know what was going on...... 7) i drank too much 8) thanks craig and tiff for providing a fun night at your place!!! :dance:
  14. im out, roomate stole over 400 in cash last night. so im fuk broke. i gotta sort that out.
  15. sorta, i guess. its basically a bigazz box that needs windows and clear doors for my iguana. 4.5ft long and wants to get into everything, time to cage it up.
  16. im gonna go there right now to see what they have.
  17. hey peeps, im either moving to san diego for the job, or at least moving out of my current house. so i need moving boxes. if ya have any send them my way. thanks.
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