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Everything posted by trqjnky

  1. my vote, pauly perrette 1st pic above sofia vergera 2nd JAYDE NICOLE 3rd (no pics im able to post, google her and youll see what i mean (she has "respect" tattooed just below her belly button.......
  2. anyone know this person? they work at the 24hr fitness at charleston and lamb is all i know from seeing the car there. It used to be a clean looking honda crx...
  3. Im building something and i need plexiglass, just flat sheets. the bigger the better. just figured id see if anyone had anything. with the peeps on this site, ya just never know what some of em might have. oh yea, and if ya have any screen (like you would use on screen doors or screened in porches) i could use that too.. thanks peeps
  4. YAY!!!! Good news cole. gettin a ranger????
  5. do you need a spoon to dig the sand outta your va(censor).......
  6. I went to san diego yesterday and got back this morning. flew out to look into a job wiring high end stuff. the guys business accounts so far include the monster trophy truck, the company that builds the luxury prerunner that was posted up the other day, jimco, and a lot of other big name guys. he was the guy that wired up jesse james' bike on "Biker Buildoff" and wired up jesse james' trophy truck on "Monster Garage". hes well known, extremely busy, and pretty much "the man" when it comes to wiring. im currently trying to decide on weather or not to take it. i'd be 4 hours from dumont, 2 from glamis, 30 min. from the ocean. adn 5 hrs from vegas. the guy has a 56 foot rig thats a semi/toyhauler/workshop and bada$$. hes just getting a shop thats 60 ft x 20 ft and has front office space. hes been around for about 20 years and isnt going to close his doors anytime soon. anyone got any advice, knowlege, or entertainment tips for the area??? still not sure i want to move, but im trying to weigh my options. :fatdance: i know last time i said it was by l.a. but i was wrong. that was his old address... hes moved.
  7. farm equipment, watch the commercials for them......
  8. its twenty dollars, just buy one cheapa$$!!!! jeez... they sell em at the offroad shops in town. other peoples kids, dang...
  9. Had a great time this weekend! tony and his camp are great people! got a lot of good fast rides in, and ate better than i have in a while thanks to the girls great cooking! AJ (tonys little guy) is giong to be riding in no time, already has the dirtbike sounds and form down. had a couple misfires with the sobes. cant wait to make it back out. My observations on this weekend.. 1. I like my yamaha waaay more than the ktm 2. there is going to be a ktm for sale 3. tony and his peeps are VERY cool! 4. tony's camp cooks some great food too 5. i paid the same for a spark plug as i did for a tshirt at dumont 6. junk-runner rangers are stupid 7. coles truck doesnt do well in soft sand 7.5. tonys truck does do well 8. lapador
  10. ive ridden my 2 wheeler there dozens of times. this bike is being sold immediately though. this is prbably going to be the only time i actually ride it. thats why i just want to borrow one for a day.
  11. I want to take the ktm out to dumont for a day, just to put some time on it. it will be the only time it sees a paddle, so i cant justify buying one. so if anyone has an 18" paddle that i can borrow for a day, let me know.
  12. pmed ya about the hookup on north town, hes a friend of mine. does the best aluminum welding ive ever seen.
  13. hes putting a calender out in about six weeks with those style of pics. i get the first one, and cant wait. i have a few of his pics hung up throughout my house because i like the style. and he doesnt charge much at all for his photos.
  14. David Verespie is a good friend of mine, and also a very good photographer. If you like cars (especially old/classic cars AND girls, you should enjoy his pics. the girls are fully clothed so its ok for kids to see. it is an antique/junkyard look. i think its very cool. check them out and let me know what ya think. http://www.verespie.com/galleries/junkyard/index.html
  15. i have a buddy on the north side of vegas that does... if ur interested.
  16. cool deal, ill try my best to make it. it would really help to have a rail or 4x4 quad too.
  17. trqjnky

    Hey ISBB

    leave me alone! i was already here, it woulda taken too long to go to my pm box. lol... thanks for the help nick
  18. trqjnky

    Hey ISBB

    I need an oring for the petcock that goes in between the tank and the petckock. Its on a 99 Ktm 250. It has a Acherbis desert tank on it though. can ya get it???
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