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Everything posted by trqjnky

  1. guess you arent interested then...
  2. i roll in someone elses rigs!!! Im fixing that ASAP though..
  3. the owner of lawless engines is a buddy of mine from work, he does excellent work. i dont know if your from vegas or not, but if you are, hes local... let me know, i dont know his business number, all i have is his cell number and i dont think he wants me giving it out to people...but i can call him if youre interested.
  4. dam thats rough. sorry to hear about your bad luck.
  5. My observations of the weeked 1. Randogs car is still fast, thanks for the ride 2. big wheel motorcycles rock! :mc_smiley: 3. keg beer was flat 4. long islands are good stuff 5. Craigs awning didnt AWN very well 6. kirks car is BADA$$, thanks for that ride too 7. technical difficulties were had trying to go over comp in kirks rail, and kirks wife didnt like it.lol 8. joes car can wheelie, thanks for that ride 9. whats stacey say to the face? SLAP!!! just say no to jeager :mc_smiley: 10. the camp over wasnt doing very well with the sobe bombs. 11. there was a lot of food sat. night, all of it was very good 12. dune groupy= lots of rail rides 13. randogs camp also served as a full service pit stop 14. Overall, good peeps and good times all weekend, even without my bike. heres a pic and a vid of some sort of explosion that was going on the next camp over... interrupted me just as i was finishing my hot cocoa. those smores were good too! http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p175/dn...r1-20-06001.jpg http://s128.photobucket.com/albums/p175/dn...r1-20-06002.flv
  6. IN THE SPEEDWAY here in vegas. business name is lawless engines. his name is brett. dont have a phone number though.
  7. Here, ive circled the ddr camp for those who dont know where it is......
  8. thats awsome pete... hopin for a good recovery
  9. ill be out there. due to the melted down bike, im an official dune groupy this weekend for the second time this season....
  10. this jeeps better, his motors in the front.... theres a better one of this same jeep, but i cant find it. http://www.vidiLife.com/video_play_411324_Jeep_Wheelie.htm
  11. thanks again joe. tv works great now, had a loose wire that i soldered up. already watched boondock saints on it and crystal clear picture! 100% happy with my purchase... thanks again joe..
  12. yes, it is getting hostile in here. i agree ken....
  13. its mine biatches!! I dont have any tinfoil, so will i still be able to fix it???? BWUAHAHAHAHA!! That thread is great...
  14. i think its within walking distance of the loony bin. you should be able to make it......
  15. captainjerk strikes again!!!! round 3.. FIGHT :mc_smiley:
  16. trqjnky


  17. smart feller right there^^^^ thats what i was gonna say.
  18. ill be there by 8, damn peer pressures a mutha
  19. i dunno if i feel like making the drive tonight... might show up though...
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