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Everything posted by trqjnky

  1. bwuahahahahaha!!! thats some funny stuff right there. jeesh. too much fun.
  2. hahahahahahaha. thaaats funnny.
  3. well, it looks like im going to go to a 260c.c. chamber. bear industries will bore/clearance powervalve, provide piston and gaskets, all for $369!! heres the link. check them out and let me know what you think... http://www.designhappy.com/BearBoring/Price-Yamaha.html
  4. i dunno pete . it was full of coolant, same plug and jet thats been in it for the last 3 rides. i was playing around on comp before i left for the south pole, so maybe it got hot in the cylender??? maybe it didnt like the 40:1 premix ratio or maybe i mixed it wrong and didnt realize it??? whatever though, every time something breaks is a good excuse to make it faster. at least if shut off right at the south pole, so it looked like i was just chillin there. and not stuck in the bottom of a huge bowl or something.
  5. im there pete!! ill bring alcohol and some munchies probably.
  6. haha!!! effin snowman in the desert!!!! right on!!
  7. well, my top pistion ring was broke in half and spun 180 from the pin that holds the opening in place. and the ring was overlapping itself on the ends by about a 1/4 inch. the bottom ring is pemenantly welded into the piston and theres a little bit of scoring on my cylendar wall . so now i'm pricing out my two options. either bore and replate the cylendar to get rid of the scoring. or do a big bore kit. i found one kit for $369 that was a 287?? kit i think. So that sucks. ill post pics later
  8. randog, its ok my bikes broke, ill just settle for riding the dunes in your slow car. we should put nitrous on it so we can make it all the way to the top of comp!!!! lol
  9. Damm man! that sucks pete, sorry to hear that... broken stuff for the weekend list... 1. OGP's axle on his rail 2. my 2 wheeler blew up, again.... 3. petes rail is ruined 4. another ddr member broke a durablue axle on his quad 5.????? anything i missed???
  10. Im sitting here watching SANDBLASTED and quicksand 4, just waiting to get out to dumont. damit i cant wait. gonna be GOOD times!!!! braaaap!!!
  11. you want headsets dont you kenny.
  12. Im for a EVS Ballistics jerstey, the Fox Bomber gloves with the poly knuckle covers for x-mas. and im buying myself the new SIDI boots with the hinge on the ankle for xmas. so whats everyone else asking for, or getting for themselves for being such a good person this year???
  13. im gonna be in iowa untill the first, so im out.
  14. so who all is going tonight? i might swing by
  15. rhino kings already got em on order. he just wanted to see what everyone else thought about them before he showed up to the dunes sporting the headsets.
  16. True, that cocoa had a little kick to it, reall good!
  17. had to have been the next camp over. cause i never got to drink this new "sobe bomb", not one person in the camp had it.
  18. i wanna see a sobe bomb too! never seen that flavor. someone should bring some to the next big weekend.
  19. nice rig jacen. and yes, we were passing deisels in the denali up podesi...
  20. woohoo, thought thats what she did. ill get ahold of her.
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