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Everything posted by trqjnky

  1. IM DRUNK. that is all, jeager and redbull. whopiedieeeee dooooo!!!! who else is drunk.????
  2. knee and shin pads, get it right! i stole em from your girl
  3. http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...eoid=1404060634 nope not posing randog. lol.
  4. ooohhhh purdy!! nice work. how much would that paint job cost?
  5. bwahahaha!! yea, boredome at its finest. full safety gear and sandals. i need a hobby. the ttr needs more power to do longer wheelies.
  6. what the fcuk bob? thats funny shiat right there. rediculous. haha
  7. good meeting you to dreamrr. nice car!!! i also saw vegas style out there but never met up for a ride. by the time i found you dreamrr one of our guys already had a flat tire so we were getting ready to go home. i figured i'd do the neighborly thing and say hello before we left though. next time out ill have to get a ride from ya for sure.
  8. hey, i say go for it, more public attention, and might get to see som scantily clad models prading around in thier underwear!
  9. i think it would be worth it, just to experience it once.
  10. screw it, DAY RIDE How big could the fine possibly be??? and do they actually have blm guys sitting out there to arrest wrong doers?? ive got a truck with IOWA license plates and an iowa drivers license. ill drive and if we get busted, "Derr, were from outta town, just moved down here and found these dunes a while back, decided to ride on them"....
  11. ragdollmx and i will also be out there tomorrow dreamrr. can i get a ride in your rail??????
  12. BWAHAHAHAAH PIMP!!!! quit picking on the poor v8 low rpm limit guys.
  13. ive got my 12 ga. down here. hunted anything that moved back in iowa. down here i dont know what or where to hunt.
  14. looking for a roomate. house is 3 bed 2 bath 2 car garage. located on ANN RD and camino del norte (M.L.K. turns into camino del norte north of craig road). rent is 320/month plus ustilities, which are around another $90. no rule to live here do whatever you want and come and go whenever, have whoever over. just pay your bills and youll be fine. cal dan at 712-310-7802 if interested.
  15. think of it though cheese, there were how many thousands of people out there???? and only 3 died. and from what ive heard, none of them were from alcohol or people colliding with others, they were just accidents, this a sport that can be dangerous when you dont pay attention 100%.
  16. I hit one witches eye the whole weekend and crush myself on the tank, and what a coincidence, petes right there with the camera! other observations.. the skull in the ranger, good stuff! VIVA LA MULLET!! comp was insane sat. night. petes truck is a multifuntion vehicle,including towtruck, trashtruck, and dunebuggy
  17. good pics! its probably just the A.D.D. in me, but all the circles formed in camp with haulers look kinda funny. CIRCLE THE WAGONS! THE INDIANS ARE COMING! i dunno, im retarded.
  18. the little dunes are a much better alternative for those that rope off finger dunes for thier kids to have their own private spots.
  19. yep, the rail was in bad shape when i saw it, and there was also a ultralight plane that crashed, killing the pilot, thats all that i know of. it gets dangerous out there with that many people, so you have to be extra carefull. b.t.w., i started a happy thread for halloween weekend since this one took a turn for bad things.
  20. This weekend was a blast! good times with good peeps and good food. had quite a few ddr peeps show up, and the crowd out there was insane. The sand was real rough and choppy so you had to follow the lines through the dunes or get the crap beat outta ya. Observations of the weekend... 1. The green rockstars have alcohol in them, and i didnt realize untill it was too late. 2. "Bathtubs" hurt like heck, and petes somehow always there to get a picture of your humiliation 3. Always top off your tank before going out on a ride 4. chicken doesnt fly as well as burgers 5. 90 MPH passes through the whoops in ogp's rail rocks! (thanks for the ride) 6. Randogs car is Retardedly fast (thanks for the ride man!)
  21. hey hows it going? you are always more than welcome to come kick it with the ddr crew that is going to be out there. just look for a bunch of toyhaulers and trucks that have dumont dune riders stickers in the back window. be glad to ride with ya.
  22. On my 2004 yz250 my buddies took the crank out and drilled holes in the counter weights on their C&C machine that create a supercharging effect. the factory yamaha riders have been using it for years. put it on the dyno again today after drilling the crank, and picked up a whopping 11 h.p. on the low end and 5 h.p. on the high end. i will post up dyno sheets when i get them for people to see the differances.
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