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Everything posted by trqjnky

  1. huh? wheres thirsty thurs this week?
  2. wheres the helmet cam video cole??
  3. thats a lotta graphics! they even have camo to match my riding gear! still wanna do something completely origional though. im still looking at their stuff.
  4. Im thinking about vinyl wrapping my plastics (like they do on buses and race cars). I have a good friend that runs a large decal company in vegas that will do it for me. i would be going all black, and adding some images to it... one on each fender and one on each front faring/gas tank area. These images would actually be printed onto the vinyl, they wont be thier own sticker. and yes i will be using very thick/durable vinyl so it will hold up. only problem is, i dont know what i would use for pictures... only things that i have thought up so far is drawings of old hot rod pin up girls, or maybe some skulls/demons/skeletons. kinda want to stick with a dark/evil theme if i dont go with the girls. but he11, i might decide something COMPLETELY differant before i do it. anyone got any other ideas? some pics ive been looking through so far (which is only the past hour or so) are.... Edited by: ISBB You know better dude! Just because its a pinup doesnt mean its cool to post it! NO NUDITY AT ALL!
  5. ^^^ bwuahahahahahaha!!!^^^^ thats funny ^^^
  6. and let the arguing commence about each others car pricing... remember, turnaround time, quality of welds, car straightness, bend accuracy, wall thickness on rollcage tubing, handling and performance also... looks, warranty, customer service... all im saying is that just because you think its the same part prices, doesnt mean they are equal cars....or companies
  7. just like the pro's movies... get ya all pumped up and ready to ride with all the excitement and action through the video.. then at the end show the wrecks and injuries and make ya want to stay home.lol. feel bad for dan though.. hope hes going to be ok.
  8. theyre fast because they're streeeeeeeeeeetched. 20 horsepower!
  9. wierdest thing ever about ddr.... is the members that actually camp out together at the dunes.. 1 of them went to the same high school i did, in iowa!!! that would be kens colors b.t.w....both grew up in the same town of 1300 people.. what are the odds of that!
  10. its junk, might as well give it to me. first off..pull the dash out to make sure the bulb is good, or even there for that matter.. things besides that to check, broken circuit going to the bulb itself, good grounds (very important, they will cause all sorts of impossible stuff to happen) if your still stuck and it bothers you bad... i can come check it out for ya
  11. woohoo! happy bday ddr! hope everyone has a good day! relax ddr, its your birthday
  12. woohoo! happy bday ddr! hope everyone has a good day!
  13. if i can get work off and hitch a ride with anyone, im there to help whenever needed. let me know.
  14. put furr on it and put some eyes on the grill... instant beast!
  15. my best advice, get a more expensive phone, it does make a differance over the free phones with service
  16. we dont take kindly to your smart types around here...better watch out and get outta town fast... lol... thanks for explaining that instead of leaving us retarded types just going... oooooohhhhh pretty colors!
  17. you were fast, i remmeber the stickers on the rear fenders, i ran in your group a few times on my yz , and would just nudge ya, not bad for a quad. sooo.. how many new members do you think we'll get from the night drags?????
  18. i got some, will post asap... post your crappy pics anyways
  19. way fast whitey racing...inventors of the flashlight headlight, yeah it was redneck, but better than getting ran over.. it did the trick
  20. DO NOT allow isbb to try and pass a motorhome around a blind turn that has oncoming traffic..... flashlights and duct tape make an excelent headlight for my 2 wheeler you can cook A LOT of potatoe skins and corn dogs on the pizazz at one time when isbb sleeps he sucks his thumb (pics to come) if you take a picture in the terrible hurbst casino, the authorities will be notified another thing i had to add... dunefreaks towhitch can fcuk up your shin and leave a bigazz welt
  21. GOOD TIMES!!!!! sucks about the wreck(s) though. i need a new usb cable for my camera and ill post my pics up. good to see everyone again...and if we did it again, i'd definately be there!
  22. then you could jump off all the ciffs you wanted to... what if pizzaz's didnt exist?
  23. does it have to be a diesel to get on the dyno??? i wanna put my 'maro on the dyno with the new bigger nitrous kit. can that be done?and what do i win if i peg the h.p. level on the dyno?
  24. right on and congrats. i take it was one of the sts behind the axle turbo kits on the car????...b.t.w., your name isnt john is it?
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