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Everything posted by trqjnky

  1. trqjnky


    i dont think anyone hurt his feelings. i think hes just done duning.
  2. trqjnky


    well if you dont wanna be in the club anymore, ill have to ask that you give back your rail. ill take that. sorry to hear that.
  3. way cool. congrats april!
  4. well, i meant any small block chevy. yea, if its a 383, 99% of those motors are built with mellings. and thats youre problem bob.
  5. if you have a ls or lt engine in that car, then id bet a good amount of money that it was a bad casting oil pump if its the melling pump thats in there. Because melling has re-designed their oil pump housings (basically they took material off of them and they ended up too week. and they are cracking in high horsepower applications.) they changed their design about 4 years ago. so my advice, go get another brand of oil pump. i had a melling high volume in my 383, after hearing about this, i pulled the pan and there was a crack starting in the case!!!!
  6. anyone have an open sleeping spot they are willing to rent out??
  7. i may find my way out there for a sat. day trip
  8. its still ride now... all they did was pick up the polaris line. same dealership and all. just another line of products that they will have to order everything for because nothing is in stock.
  9. yea, cole got the absolute smallest trailor ever made. lol... we piled everything like sanford and son, it was rediculous! And that was a LOOOOOONG drive having not slept at all. Then, as we are finally getting to vegas, coles goofy arse holds a bottle of water out his window and starts spraying my windshield! i didnt know what the hell was going on, because at this point I was soo tired i was losing it. all in all, it was terrible and i hate moving... i drank 2 redbulls, 8 mountain dews, a pack of donughts, a 1/2 lb of beef jerkey, and 3 granola bars. and my stomach hates me for it.
  10. if i knew someone else that would take the other bedroom, i would, but not by myself
  11. not half bad, Its all bad!! (from the critics on sesame street) i like it. all the purrdy chrome, much better than the old sun-faded design that the old car was working
  12. and i bring to you..... MUTHA BITCHEZZZ!!!!
  13. id get into the house jj was posting up, but i'd need someone else to go in with me. i dont really want to pay over 1k a month rent plus utilities by myself.
  14. new job is looking iffy, not getting along with the other guy too well. the ocean does nothing for me, and beer is $4.50 a bottle and up at the bars! :mc_smiley: so im probably gonna be headed back to vegas. so if ya know of anyone with a room for rent or if you want to go together on a rental house, let me know.
  15. he brings up a good point tim, a lot of the fun you had in your car was being faster than the v8 guys. maybe hold out for a subaru motor? and pete, if you want those bud light decals made, let me know.
  16. from what ive seen in the little print on the bottom of the commercials, the twin turbo super duty is only available in the f 550 models.....
  17. waaay cool man! glad to hear that. same motor that was in the last car right? any top speed readings?
  18. thats good to hear pete! howd ya like the front smoothies?
  19. My observtions, i wasnt there. bummer. but operantly i was still a conversation piece? haha
  20. dang, cant believe it. hopefully you enjoy your next ride just as much ogp. and we need to get a CALI T.T. together soon!!!
  21. BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :mc_smiley: Itll never change
  22. tim, just a question, why are you selling your car???
  23. kenny, you gonna replace the invisarail now???
  24. ^^^ he has a point^^^^^ guess its 9999 shifting for you pete.....
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