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Everything posted by Sanduners

  1. Terry, I understand what you're suggesting. But when the organization HAS listened, HAS made the changes necessary, so these unfortunate mishaps don't happen again yet people like Ross after 4 years and have never seen those changes say: They're having big trouble getting volunteers this year, and I saw it coming. that really hurts those of us that work so hard to have a successful show. The past 3 years the SSSS show hasn't had any of the issues that Ross has mentioned. When do you let it go and move on??? Sorry again this happened to you Ross... I only wish I could have been the volunteer that day you spoke with... I would have made sure you felt welcomed and found something both of you could have done... (I've never had a problem finding volunteer projects needed to be done...)
  2. Reading what??? I have that disease CRS but it comes and goes. It comes when I hear my wife and it goes when she leaves... (Can't Remember Sh.t)
  3. Gee Ross, how many years ago was that now??? I'm REALLY sorry that happened to you. The ASA is not a business, it is an organization of VOLUNTEERS who donate their time to TRY and make a difference... Since that time (2002) we have made huge changes to the way we handle our volunteers. We have designated people (2) that stay at the booth the entire time just to welcome the volunteers, make sure they know what is going on and who they will be working with. We also feed ALL volunteers, made possible by ASA member Tim Wight who will cook breakfast, lunch and dinner all 3 days... paid by donations from businesses, workers & volunteers. (we feed every worker there, even the security guards) And we have drinks available at the booth and food area. And YES Tim gets a camping spot for doing this. (Tim lives in Arizona and pays for his own gas) ( a bennie? ) So your first sentence is correct,,, do it for yourself, your sport...nothing more. I DO. Again,,, being an all-volunteer organization has its benefits and drawbacks. We don’t have the luxury of being able to pick perfect employees, check their resume for management skills, then hold them accountable for mistakes. Less than 5% of our volunteers do 95% of the work before a show and it is very frustrating for the ones that put in dozens of hours to read something like above 4 YEARS LATER!!!,,, I'm truly offended... :angry22: FYI... it has never been the policy or practice to give camping spots to any volunteer that donated less than the whole weekend at the booth. (I'll be there all 3 days this year but I didn't get a camping spot because I'm also volunteering for CORVA, so no spot, I'm sleeping on a motorhome floor both days.) And please don't worry about those that give up their WHOLE weekend to camp there (a requirement for a spot) not to mention taking off Friday from work and maybe even Monday to re-coup... ( I guess those are the bennies... ) along with having no voice trying to talk over the DJ all weekend long to volunteers and new members... :mc_smiley: So again, Ross I'm VERY sorry that ONE volunteer told you and your wife you were not needed at that moment in time...
  4. Jon, in the sand it is really much easier to do, no trails to mark. Unlike the Glamis Poker Run (GPR) as some have said, the checkpoints could each have a game to play, one for the adults, one for the kids under 12 maybe? That is needed to break a possible same hand. Prizes too for adults & kids and maybe a lower price per hand for the kids like $5.00 a hand, I like that... I think the hardest part of this poker run would be where to make the ending place location. We use Boardmanville at Glamis to end the GPR at, a great place to hang out. We would need a good spot at Dumont to do the same. Maybe work with the regular vendors and make it there??? Insurance is a HUGE expense of a "legal" poker run. Each of the GPR's we did it the right way, insurance and BLM permits. The insurance I assume would be about the same, $1000 - 1200. But we have wonderful people at the BLM Barstow office to work with that I know pretty good. I'm sure I could get the permit needed too. And those are the checkpoint locations I was thinking about too but not one at the river crossing, (to hard packed) the final checkpoint at the ending location like we do for the GPR. The difference in doing a "dune" poker run,,, YOU decide the path to take and the time to get to the next checkpoint... and just how you drive... FYI...We had 304 poker hands sold at the 1st Annual Glamis Poker Run,,, the next year it went to 654 So they do catch on quick and I've never heard a bad thing about any of the 5 GPR's... :mc_smiley:
  5. I know and preach PACK IT IN,,,PACK IT OUT... but, I've always thought that if a trash can(s) could be sponsored just at Comp Hill, especially on the big weekends it would be a good thing. Maybe some here at DDR camp could put a couple plastic 30 gal cans at Comp, one for trash, one for alum. cans? The one with cans could be recycled and donated from DDR to FoDD maybe?
  6. Our club put on the first 3 annual Glamis Poker Run's (6th Annual - Sat. Nov. 4th, 2006) and had huge success with them! In the 3 years we sponsored it, we raised over $15K for those OHV organizations we support. (ASA, CORVA, SDORC) The poker run is now sponsored by the Orange County ATV Association a much larger club than ours. If our club was to sponsor a Dumont Dunes Poker Run and the donations went to the Friends of Dumont Dunes organization to help fund the projects they are working on, would you participate? If you have never done a poker run in an OHV setting you should try it, lots of fun!!! Poker Run Info I want to get a little feedback first before approaching the club about this... (this is WORK for them and they might think I'm :mc_smiley: ...... (and they just may be right... ) thanks,
  7. As I was telling my daughter, he died doing what he LOVED... Would it be different if I died in my rail? Those are the chances we all take in this sport, you must be aware at all times what you are doing and what others are doing. Be careful out there... and if you never read this story,,, get the tissues out first... Story of Holly Gorrell
  8. Sanduners


    Many years ago I heard it was... I Shot Big Bird and I laughed then as I do now...
  9. I won't say "characters"... but others would...right Darren...
  10. We have made the sand @ Dumont boom before. Just go to the top of a razor and pull sand down with your hands really fast and you will hear the boom sound. It isn't really loud but you can hear it... the faster the louder too...
  11. HOLY COW... that is sick... (only because I can't do that many... ) Where do you get your mail, Baker??? I'm lucky to get a trip a month to either Dumont or Glamis.
  12. Great shots... We went to St. Anthony's a week ago and can't wait to go back!!! Had a wonderful trip and did the one day tour of Yellowstone and Grand Teton's. On our first full day we rented a van from Rexburg (A-Plus rentals) and we went to see Yellowstone. We entered the West gate to Yellowstone in Montana and drove a 320 mile loop through the park and the Grand Tetons National Park. We witnessed the Old Faithful geyser and the Beehive blow their tops. (Beehive only goes off twice a day too.) We didn't see any wildlife, we were there from about 11:30am to 4:00pm. Next time I want to camp at Yellowstone for a week. Maybe leave the toys in the box @ Sand Hills Resort and go... B) How BIG are the dunes at St Anthony??? That is my rail on that little dune...
  13. How COOL... :mischevious: How is the handout coming along??? I'm sure those that attend the Sand Sports Super Show next month or the Off Road Expo in Pomona would like to get some to pass out at the dunes...
  14. AMEN... we have our first club trip of the new season set for Oct. 21-22 @ Dumont... Our next trip is St. Anthony's in August, a little bigger than Dumont, but a LOT farther drive... :mc_smiley:
  15. Don, that means end of threat,,, :redhat: for now that is... I don't believe this bill has anything to do with Dumont. See the map here: http://www.blm.gov/ca/pa/wilderness/wilder...gston_range.pdf Here is another map that shows Dumont: http://www.blm.gov/ca/pa/wilderness/wilder...on_range_02.pdf
  16. :mc_smiley: great ISBB, that would certainly help out. At the cleanup I had brought 2 cases of the safety books to pass out. The gentleman from Western took the remaining books (about 600) and said they could help pass them out. But as you know, those that purchase an annual pass won't slow down usually since they have their own lane on a busy Friday afternoon... so if you could help pass the info out to those folks that would really help... I will ask FoDD if they have such a flyer now, in the works or can make one up to hand out next season.
  17. Education: First off, Dumont has but one road in and that is an advantage. Helping to educate those that recreate there would be the biggest advantage in my book that those 800 here could do. As in the past, I've visited many camps and gave out dune safety books, very, very few had heard of FoDD and FoDD has been around for many years too. Having a general fact sheet / membership form to hand out would be ideal. The BLM contractor Western Maintenance Co. that handle the permits and operates the booth are willing to help us out. Getting those vendors that normally attend to help us would be great too. It isn't always about the money, to me it is more about the contacts. If people don't know there is a problem, they can't possible help you...when you really need it. Since we don't all go on the same weekends, how about a sign up sheet for next season to volunteer to get the word out? Spend an hour each trip talking with others camped near you. And let them know about this great site too...
  18. Nope, same lizard. In a nutshell, they are attempting to make just the lizards found at and around Dumont a species of their own. I just wrote a 5 page letter to the Interior regarding this latest load of crap from the CBD. Finding 2 of our club photos within their petition made me want to those losers... As far as I'm told, the FWS is in their 90 day first look at the petition. If they don't respond to the CBD then they will have to sue to get the FWS to look at it and determine if they Will or Won't look into the petition farther. Unlike the PMV plant at Glamis, we now have the time to discredit the information they presented before it could get listed, much easier and WAY less expensive to do. This was done recently with the BOGUS CBD's petition on the Andrew’s dunes scarab beetle. They first filed that beetle listing petition in December 2002 and were just denied this year...
  19. Only once 10 years ago. Not enough open dunes for a sandrail. In this picture, that is about it!!! Now quad riding,,, that looks good.
  20. EXACTLY!!! go here,,, both FAST and painless... YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERANCE!
  21. FYI... here is everything you ever wanted to know about the Mojave Fringe-toed Lizard (Uma scoparia) http://www.californiaherps.com/lizards/pages/u.scoparia.html Here is where they are found in CA...
  22. I run 4 Lazer Stars like above, 2 spot and 2 flood. I don't have a problem seeing and I lead the night rides. I've never had any issues with the 6 lights I have, 4 years now too. Lazer Star also has HID lights and they give their time, $$$ and business place up to help keep the dunes open. They also help sponsor the http://www.dumontsanddunes.com/ website... Remember, you can save a few bucks and let Joe Blow keep all the profits himself or you can help yourself and your sport by supporting those that help support YOU... ASA Business Sponsors and Keyword search
  23. Hey,,, I like that... :headbang: but these a-holes probably don't play golf, that would hurt the poor green grass...oh the humanity!!! :smiley:
  24. There are too many of the lizards to kill off, first you have to FIND them... :headbang: I've only seen 2 lizards at Dumont over the past 21 years!!! But then again, I'm duning :headbang: Those lizards (not sure what kind?) were in the hard pack areas too. I too would LOVE to ride the Kelso dunes (or the Ibex, Eureka, Panamint, Saline,,,ect...) that are now closed to OHV's. One question for you Bomb,,, how do you suggest getting "hundreds of thousands of angry off-roaders" together??? That really is the KEY to us getting ALL of our OHV problems under control, communications to the masses... :smiley:
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