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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. Nice Eco 1, Location and price? last time 2d serviced? thanks.
  2. In a boat on Lake Arrowhead, they have a barge we float next to which the launch the fireworks off of. The sound is crazy echoing through the mountains
  3. Same in Ca, except no rollers. Pretty much a tax you have to take your truck down to pay…
  4. Godspeed Bert… Prayers to all effected by his early passing…
  5. I had a gen 2 with a turbo vw, fun car, turned on a dime
  6. looks like it may be HOT then, I may shoot for this tues, weather looks good
  7. Terry, Let me know, I have a new to me car I'm looking to run on a day trip
  8. Not a fan of Poto but respect his abilities... He seems REALLY burnt out in his interviews, not that he has ever given good ones..
  9. If you are running E85 drain and idle some regular gas through till she starts smoking a little, saves corrosion on fuel system.
  10. Put more air in the paddles, its easier on the transmission
  11. Thats nice, id put some mesh under it so you cant se the 500 coolers in front of the engine (-= Kit fit a 2008?
  12. buggy? I was contemplating thurs - sat
  13. #13... SU Ultralight, mid engine, Subaru / Mendeola
  14. Meh, roller not a jolt, was a long one though
  15. Ah, the Tiki car, remember it well, the detail was crazy on that car. Were you the original owner?
  16. The 90's looking for the ones from early 80's. Co-pilot is heading to college (PLNU) this fall, where did the time go.......
  17. I'm biting my tongue on this one, there are no signs, warnings etc that need to be posted and no regulations that need to be implemented. Truly sad that someone passed so I will leave it at that.... My 2 cents....
  18. Definitely a sad incident, prayers to all effected. Personally don't understand how these incidents happen. Hope the survivor makes it....
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