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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. RIP Fellow Duner, was reminded on the same day how fragile life is. Prayers to Bradley and everyone effected by his death. .
  2. We visited it Saturday for the first time though we have driven by it dozens of times. I too have mixed emotions about the stuff popping up at various locations. Thanks for standing up and reporting the problem with the tire swing and thanks for wrapping the flag as to not touch the ground. I noticed the swing set has a solar powered light for the flag at night, hopefully the new tire swing will have the same. Cheers!
  3. Any rain today? if so how much? Thanks
  4. "Goodbye 2020" indeed and good riddance! Few questions: Will Dumont be open New Years? Will there be trash collection, vendors and campfires allowed? Do I need a pass? Anyone seen my iPhone and or German Shepard? Cheers @dunefreak thanks for keeping us current and site up and running!
  5. He may have been tired of listening to the other music, prob a stressful weekend if car broke as well, no excuse for actions but everyone needs to relax a bit these days.. Kudos to you for not going over there and escalating things. Cheers!
  6. weekend before, our camp, 3-4 runs a day had to change our line 2 times in 3 days due to other duners.
  7. Keep looking for her, A high percentage are found the following slower weekends when owners return to look.
  8. Keep looking for her, A high percentage are found the following slower weekends when owners return to look.
  9. Also note the kiosks at entrance were taking payments but not producing a receipt / pass this past weekend. I called BLM and had a season pass the next day, very efficient.
  10. Closed due to C-19? If so that's ridiculous, and unless they are not getting paid they should at minimum be calling / emailing people back.
  11. I'm planning to finally take a step back at work and enjoy many mid week trips. No vendors, no law and plenty of social distancing due to our to being one of the few out there (hopefully). Hope the CDC guidelines do not effect D. Cheers!
  12. Quads are a blast as long as you are there first after a wind cleans things up. I have a can-am x3rs for the kids but they still prefer their quads unless its REALLY beat up. Any of the major mfgs side by sides are good, if going 4 seat and or strictly sand I'd get something with a factory turbo. As mentioned the Yamahas are a good choice but you have to drive them like a 2 stroke and lot of guys end up modding the gearing to suite their needs.
  13. Welcome, Dumont is a Late fall to early spring destination. A summertime visit would be absolutely miserable as its is WAY too hot.
  14. LOL, you can drive through it with road grit, oil, grease, tires but you cant put you feet in it? Actually, sounds about right these days...
  15. Bring an ez-up, if it gets hot in the middle of the day take a trip over to the wash, set some chairs up in the water and enjoy a cold one.
  16. Looks like you will be lucky and catch some May grey. As mentioned be careful, there will prob be some soft spots and it's inherently harder to see this time of year due to less shadows being casted.
  17. Road report is good, just take your time, camping area should be good just watch for soft patches and keep speed up through them also if trailer is a tandem don't make any sharp turns. The weather is changing rapidly, be ready for some HEAT.
  18. Cool Pic, hard to believe that in 5 days it will be in the 90s out there.
  19. Nope, same here. Everyones out looking for TP.
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