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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. Um, I just dropped off my rail for service, Mfg stated there was a lone chp officer at entrance road to dumont to deny access.?.?
  2. If he is concerned about ticket prices, tell him to pack their lunch
  3. These guys would be worth mailing it to, they are that good. http://turbocharged.com/main.htm
  4. tucker rocky news release on 8/2 vance and hines a few below... http://www.arb.ca.gov/newsrel/newsrel.php check out suzuki and Yamaha in march...
  5. I'd much rather receive a ticket for not wearing a helmet than have CARB fine me for having a non compliant motor... You would essentially be arguing that you modified the manufactures certified motor. Do a search on fines handed out by carb, tucker rocky being one of the latest...
  6. I fwd this to a friend in Henderson, these are great quads for all levels of riding. GLWTS
  7. ^^Yep^^ Just ad take a swim to above list and that should cover it
  8. Just switched from the Tech 8 to the SIDI Crossfire, man I missed my old SIDI's. Pivot point makes all the difference in comfort
  9. That is a BIG AZZ bike motor!!! Nice work on the diesel
  10. That's the one, I remember seeing a black one with red beadlocks if I remember correctly, looked good. Enjoy it!
  11. You sure that is a Tatum? It may have Tatum front arms but... There was a guy in Az, I think it was Gecko sand rails or something like that that built a low side rail which looked like this.
  12. I am so pissed, kids finally went on spring break, thought it would be a fun early / mid week trip for them, we found out about this early this morning in Baker when we tried to buy our pass. Well at least they didn't sell us a pass then tell us... I guess it is off to Death Valley for us, Going to be a PITA working around these toys we had loaded up...
  13. Yep, terrible idea, plus you might high center lol
  14. Fifth wheel, I sold my ww to a friend so, I threw in all of the weight dist. / receiver hardware. it has 18.5' to the front cabinets around 14.5' to the oven I can fit a couple xp's or i had it set up to winch a buggy in backwards to leave options open (-= kitchen is 72" wide and it had no wheel wells. I would have gotten the 38' but my driveway is 37' long and I wanted to have it at 15K gross so when I go to sell it the buyer does not need a non-commercial class A. When you are shopping check out toyhaulerliquidators.com they are a good price reference (would not personally make another trip up there (2 times was enough)), when you pick something out shoot me a PM, a friend of mine owns a few rv dealerships so I will get you a price. I checked every build option they offered and still came in WAY under base msrp. WAY... FYI dont know if you plan on any financing but rv rates are in the 4%'s, that is cheap toy money (-=
  15. I just had a 2014 stellar 34LKSG built, picked it up last Mon, It is as big as I could go with my 2008 super duty. Got rid of the ww fsc3200, it is simply too much trailer / tongue weight to hook to the back of a f250 IMO. Lost a little space but the bath / front bedroom are a big plus for us. Having kids FINALLY old enough to tow the 20' enclosed out is nice as well
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