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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. I carry a spare battery for each vehicle in the trailer, has always worked for me.
  2. Sand looked killer, riding partners lines did not
  3. I had the exact same Houser / Elka set up on a raptor 700, night and day difference especially when the dunes are hammered
  4. Sold, but something like this would be sweet for sure. http://www.glamisdunes.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=274352&hl=
  5. That one let loose in a BIG way, hope it's fixed soon
  6. Teach him to feed you a face full of sand! What let loose?
  7. Don't know about that, been looking for a while http://www.dumontduneriders.com/invision/index.php?showtopic=17412
  8. Very sad, Prayers to all involved and touched by the tragedy...
  9. ps Look on glamisdunes.com racedezert.com and dunebuggy.com as well
  10. For 7k you should be able to get a nice mid travel irs buggy with a bus box, may be limited to a stroked VW though. Lots of fun to be had with that though!
  11. pump = $20, deposit on drum (one time)=$20 not stopping for fuel (and wondering exactly what you are getting) = priceless
  12. Have it delivered for less (8ish), call Kevin at 714-273-4814, tell him Eric DMS Crane Service sent you. There is a few places you can pick it up for cheaper but I like ordering in a 55gal sealed drum so if I don't use it right away its ok.
  13. fixed it for Ya, I'll have it full of fuel for you to pick up, I'll even throw in 25gal of extra fuel
  14. I won't be buggy-less more than a day my friend
  15. Anyone else taking a rail out this weekend?
  16. Cool of you to take the dog on, good luck with the search.
  17. That is one nice shade chair!, Sux but it happens, hopefully it won't end your weekend.
  18. Those are going to eat up something this weekend for sure...
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