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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. Very Nice, that xp is barely broken in, the kids put that many hours on ours the first two dune trips. GLWTS
  2. I was in till you said only experienced riders... I'll be riding on the 10th as well but breathing a little harder, finishing up a local MTB XC series Be safe out there, sounds like more fun than this...
  3. Props for looking for the rightful owner, I can't stand thieves and if it was abandoned it was done so by one...
  4. If Casey Folks (BITD Promoter) owns it and runs it anything like his races, it should be well organized. Someone will grab the KTM franchise and add it to their line.
  5. Enjoy your new tax, hopefully if it is to fund an OHV program it does not get taken to fund other shortfalls such as in Ca..
  6. If you are a big guy the raptor, I had one with houser arms and elkas and loved that quad. My son has the yfz450R and it is nice but a little cramped for me. I haven't rode a yfz450 set up that I have liked yet.
  7. ^^ Cool pics 1badyfz, Had a good time training my 16yo designated driver, tower and skipper this weekend
  8. Nice piece of austrian machinery, I rode a 690R down in mexico for a stint, lots of fun for sure, Cheers, and Grats!
  9. That is a smokin deal, it is really nice to free up garage space as well! Dual bunks are EXPENSIVE to add I was told they needed to open the walls up and re-enforce, so we opted to look around and buy one already with duals. You bought this rig so right you could add them and still be looking sweet on the deal. Cheers!
  10. Congratulations nothing better in life, crank up the sound and enjoy
  11. Listing for a friend of mine 510hp LS2 Mendeola S4S (just freshened up) 934's Race Radios with satellite radio and iPod compatible Built in GPS Racepak digital dash data system Full set of sand tires on beadlocks Full set of dirt tires with spare all on beadlocks California Plated UMP Air Filter Bypassed all 4 corners Too much to list car is Phenomenal and a must see for sure 66K Contact Kevin @ 909-322-3735 or kevin@burgesons.com
  12. Did our annual Grand Canyon turn around trip from home to the south rim, hike to the river and back up, back home all in about 24 hours. Ouch...
  13. Dang, thanks for the heads up last time I looked it was calling for 95 deg, now it's 101. Looks like the ez-up, beach chairs, extra ice for the coolers and a trip to the water mid-day after duning are in order (-=
  14. took advantage of the recent weather
  15. When I bought my current trailer owner had it outside his house, awning out, air on, detailed, music playing, dinnerware out, everything sanitized and labeled as such, ladder there so I could access roof easily, etc, etc. Definitely made me feel more comfortable with purchase.
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