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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. It is a tragic situation regardless of when / where it happened. It is human nature to try to justify the risks we take in our chosen sports, hobbies, occupations and life in general. While doing so we search for information, analyze and almost always come up with a way we can minimize risk and justify our continued activity. Accidents can happen at anytime out there, or anywhere for that matter but people all deal with the risk differently. I have my own opinions in regards to holiday weekends, but they seem unimportant right now compared to the grief all those involved in this tragedy must be experiencing. Once again Godspeed young duner and prayers sent to all effected......
  2. Godspeed fellow duner, prayers to all involved....
  3. Al was very generous and a great guy to be around. Though I only had the privilege of getting to know him through a couple small business transactions, he was a man of integrity and I feel privileged to have met him as that is a rare quality these days. Godspeed Al...
  4. I bought 10 for the crew but they were out of larges, I'll take 2
  5. I too worked my way up buying and selling rails (11) and rv's, that was an option until a few years ago and the economy has put an end to that for a while. Now is a good time to acquire used rv's / rails / trucks etc. My advice would be to buy right, talk to people and get exactly what you want and get it right the first time. Life is short and when it's all slowing down the memories you create now when you are young will be priceless. If you buy right, put some cash down and are right side up from the start it takes a lot of the stress away. Work hard in the summer to save a little money to play with in the winter as well. Cheers, see you in the dunes!
  6. Stuff happens, safety equipment worked, sand looked great!
  7. Thanks for the heads up, #9 puts us in the north 40 again but looking forward to checking out some racing for sure
  8. pretty sure I have pair laying around, we only used them once because the ride was rough for the little ones and with the lack of power, they weren't any better than the stock ones aired down.
  9. Hey Pete, I'll buy your 110 off of you so you can slam a 125 in before the regatta
  10. Do the loop backwards and check out the ATC 70 Regatta in Dumont Feb 4
  11. Don't know, you gonna bust out the skinemax for Poule lol :ahhhhh:
  12. I'll keep my order under 40 sandwiches this year lol....
  13. Keeping Jacob, you and yours in our thoughts and prayers over the holidays...
  14. They have to give you market value for your car, at least in Ca.. They require appraisals now, it can't be a one way street, if you are insured for 100k and your car is worth 50k, they will only pay you 50k. Therefore if your car is worth 100k and you insure it for 50k, they will have to give you 100k. At least that is how my agent explained it to me, that is why the appraisal is required now.
  15. Cant even imagine what you must be going through, roller coaster ride for sure. Family will Pray for Jacob's and your family's strength and for the Dr.'s wisdom, hang in there!
  16. Have a 12hr mountain bike race on Jan 21, you think anyone would notice...
  17. That's cool, first full moon call the friends and meet at the local country club and see how many of the greens you can double
  18. Ya, I have duned in a couple actual pre runners, you need BIG horsepower and the fun factor is WAY down compared to a rail.
  19. My favorite is the Racer Engineering Sand Truck, here is a video of Sand Limos Trk
  20. Great news, it will be a special Christmas season for your family for sure
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