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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. Well be out the following weekend.... Please save us some smooth sand as I have a permit saying it is required and I don't want to get the rangers involved
  2. Hmmmmmm.... Looks like a nice weekend shaping up
  3. Would have told him to Pound Sand. I'm all for being civil and such but if my camp is all set up it's going to take some splainin' to get me to move and it better not involve a threat, subtile or not.
  4. Truly Awesome, VERY happy for you.
  5. That Sunday night run was pegging the fun meter for sure, glad We dropped in on you guys Great to meet some new peeps, Lou B was super cool and his daughter hauls the mail on a quad! Nice to meet Jason as well. Had a great run this am but the dunes need some wind for sure. They did a great job of smoothing out the road entrance road, but that mix was DUSTY. Vegas style ought to get a mailbox out there, 10 days straight, sheesh.... Learned two things this weekend, Don't ask a Jamaican Captain what kind of navigational aids he uses and Tighten the harness up before following Pete on the Twilight run Cheers
  6. http://www.race-dezert.com/home/2011-score-baja-1000-live-coverage
  7. Yep, windy tomorrow, then calm and sunny for days, may I apologize in advance for the condition of the dunes for those arriving on or around Thanksgiving. We truly mean no ill will...
  8. weight, inertia, center of gravity and of course boost is addicting
  9. Myself and my family will keep Jacob, You and yours in our prayers. Stay strong for your family, children are amazing in their ability to overcome. Eric
  10. Cool video, gonna be rough out there this weekend.. Hope it dries out before the 18th
  11. Sunoco Standard? If so, I finally found a fuel that is cheaper in Ca.
  12. new stickers , can't figure out how to reduce photo size on new Mac lol :clown:
  13. I run the UNI on all of my toys (other than buggy) and all have the air box lid removed and replaced with ones that have outerware material built into it.
  14. Appreciate that, these are cheesy cell phone pics, Terex shows very well and operates as new
  15. 2008 Terex well cared for, never wrecked / rolled or even broke , title in hand First $5900.00 cash takes it Has the following.. set of sand tires, skat-trak haulers on douglas wheels smoothie fronts stock rims and tires 2" wheel spacers all 4 corners aftermarket CDI HID headlights 12V wired to whip canvas top harness' 100hrs 1144 miles Will not seperate VERY clean ride Posting for a friend, please call Doug with any questions @ 909-647-6398 price is firm located in Redlands, Ca.
  16. In June 2013 we are going to be planning a trip on the Cuan Law, I've had a few friends do the trip and had an epic time. I'd recommend the extra $110.00 for the week which includes unlimited alcohol . If you and Anna want to go let a brutha know. http://www.bvidiving.com/ edit for link
  17. Very cool Pete, the family and I tried it (just some resort dives) a couple months ago @ Turks and Caicos. The kids and I want to get certified now, the wife... not so much
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