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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. Cool job and a WAY cool person doing it, grats on the new gig Anna
  2. U R killin me Smalls, Wife likes it, daughters favorite color, if it only had a PS3 for the boy LOL
  3. Hmmm, I have been shopping around for my official "mid life crisis" ride, and a 65 el camino was the first car I ever did donuts in @ 11 years old (brothers car). If I recall correctly it wasn't quite as nice as this one... :chevy:
  4. ooooh man, me likey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chevrolet-El-Camino-SEMA-Pro-Touring-Resto-Mod-Frame-Off-Hot-Rod-Camino-/330508222194?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4cf3d33ef2
  5. Still rockin' 1st, Travis has 222 votes 2nd place = 160 votes
  6. clogged idle circut, clean the carb out, good to go
  7. That was a GREAT deal, congrats on the buy and see you at the regatta
  8. If you have a ca. title, I'm interested and in Big Bear tomarrow
  9. As usual, came across that after I posted (-=, I have a long list of Glamis contacts, BLM, Care Flight, Fabrication, Ranger station, ISCO, Snow Cat, etc and was hoping to get similar info for Dumont. Andydew what number ended up working best for your situation? Thanks, Eric
  10. Anyone ever compile a list of emergency contact info for use while camping @ Dumont? Thanks in advance!
  11. Visited the gallery in Cesars this last Saturday, cool stuff
  12. How it works around here is the plumber calls the company out to remove water / water damaged drywall etc before the insurance adjustor gets out there, they tear into it good. Plumber will get a kick back when all is said and done. Good gig for sure, throw out "Mold eradication" then you are into the big bucks....
  13. Wouldn't run without, I like mine for the music as well (-=. I have one in buggy, trlr, rhino, adding 3 more for the kids and I on the quads.
  14. Bring CASH, other forms of payment not accepted.
  15. Any of you Droid users find an app you like that automatically allows updates on your current apps? Oh, and an app to auto update the app which automatically allows the apps to be updated would be nice
  16. Your belt may have jumped a tooth or two, check the clocking on your cam shafts.
  17. Visual voicemail is my favorite, if you let Anna use it Asurion would be a good idea
  18. I have recently "downsized", sold the DP and picked up a toy hauler. Next to go is my beloved San Bernardino Sport Trailer... 2006 San Bernardino Sport Trailer Custom made to 25' so I would come in @ exactly 65' total length Wide Body Tall Ceilings 7'3" 12v / 110v package w / flood lights 2 bench seats / beds work bench with the ability to pivot up and secure for more storage space moveable motorcycle tie down rail lots of D-rings Diamond plate towards rear (under buggy) Windows with security bars inside electric tounge jack Large side door with regular lock and 2 dead bolts fuel cell with pump station and large inline filter (screw off) 2 roof vents woth MaxAir covers 8 lug axles / wheels (16') brand new spare mounted inside weight distribution hitch and bars included in sale LOTS of added cabinet storage rear door opening = 97" wide X 80" tall between wheel wells = 84" always kept under cover / inside when not used This trailer has never let me down, not so much as a flat tire. Been a proud owner, those that have chosen San Bernardino Sport Trailer for their builds know what I'm saying, this is actually harder to part with than the DP... 10k If interested please PM me here or give me a call @ 909-725-3330 Eric Sorry for the cell hone pics, can email better ones upon request
  19. Or you can go that route ^^ I'm sure there are plenty of cranes sitting around up there not working, that being said I'm guessing you should be looking at $250.00 - $300.00
  20. We do islands daily, I have a 2 jobs coming up in Baker soon (no dates yet), you cover the fuel and I'll hook you up I will need your services, my buddy lives in Henderson and is building me a new websight, he can meet us and tell us what kind of pics he's looking for and you can work your magic during the pick
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