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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. Dont think it would be big emough, need to fit a buggy (14'6") and a quad 4' X6' in it.
  2. Looking for a 26-30' front bath / kitchen toy hauler. Would like to find a weekend warrior 2006 or later fb 2600 / fb 3000 (would also consider a fs 3000). Prefer bay windows and the dual electric bunks in the back. If anyone out there has one they are looking to off shoot me a PM, Thanks
  3. I've got a 110 you can race, what up now??? (just don't run over your cell phone)....
  4. Be safe over there, I for one will miss your MC skills (and parachuting demo) if there is a 70's regatta this year What are you doing for work over there?
  5. raspadoo


    Great shots, thanks for sharing
  6. It was a joke, see posts 1-4.... Hope they get some cold air blowing on you guys soon :rainbow1:
  7. They shoulda stepped up and got a new unit for you guys
  8. Thats a compressor, not a new unit... :rainbow1:
  9. raspadoo


    Godspeed fellow operator... I don't like working roadside at all, always worried about traffic wandering over, I don't pay as much attention to the equipment on the job as I should being pre-occupied. Very Sad, prayers sent out to family.. Here in Ca, we have had 5 CHP Officers killed in the line of duty since May....
  10. Funny. I have a buddy that pulls a 23" trailer from Henderson out to meet us all the time with his half ton, he ended up getting better tires for his truck as well as air bags. Does fine now.
  11. I like mine when running with other side X sides, if you are running trails with Jeeps you are wanting to go faster, in the sand, if you are running with quads or buggies, you are holding them up, In the hard pack, if you are running with bikes or buggies you are holding them up. They are fun for sure but they definately have their own pace. Come to think of it I haven't even started mine in about a year . Anyone want a smokin deal on a 08 Rhino?
  12. Post some pics along the way
  13. I go through a set of rear brake pads every couple of trips due to using the turning brakes, It really depends on the cars weight bias, tire selection and wheel base weather they will be worth it or not. It would really decrease the fun factor if I did not have the option IMO. Now it seems the powder coat will require WAY more work to complete so if you enjoy spending hours in the garage have at it
  14. google is your friend :DDR: http://eliminator1racing.com/category.sc?categoryId=38
  15. Dont know anyone in that area, but the a/c unit should be sealed, if you have to tap into it an add refrigerant you may want them to add dye so you can locate the leak.
  16. Looks like a good time, Thanks for sharing! :freakin_nuts:
  17. I gotta ask, have you stood in the middle with a compass or GPS and made sure the North / South points were accurate? Woulda been funny to put a D and a G arrow in there
  18. VERY nice Woody! The design on the round slab looks great.
  19. That hike was Brutal, as we were going down I thought for sure we were going to have to find a rock to sleep under on the way out My daughter never complained once, even gapped me by a few yards on the way up once or twice if the truth be told. Very proud of her, thanks for the replies
  20. So my 14 yr old daughter an I decide to leave So Cal @ 9:30pm Fri, arrive @ the Grand Canyon in time to catch a 5am shuttle to the Kaibib trail, head head down to the river along it a while and back up the Bright Angel Trail. I'm guessing only 16mi or so but WAY steep. Got back up to the top and drove home Next day took my 12 year old son riding @ El Mirage only because I told him I would, you talk about sore, I'm So thankful for the red button on the KTM300XC....
  21. LMAO, Had to show that one to the wife
  22. Weekends in Havasu / San Clemente, summer trip to St Anthonys / Jackson Hole / Yellowstone
  23. That is friggin' SWEET, you guys selling it?
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