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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. That pic of those kids in that rhino was nutz.... Thanks for the report
  2. No problem, just take it easy coming back down
  3. Finally a rational decision... -----Original Message----- From: owner-newsrel@listserv.arb.ca.gov [mailto:owner-newsrel@listserv.arb.ca.gov] On Behalf Of dstanich@arb.ca.gov Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 6:25 PM To: post-newsrel@listserv.arb.ca.gov Subject: newsrel -- ARB gives relief to off-road construction equipment owners Enforcement of regulations will be postponed. Release 10-13 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 11, 2010 Leo Kay 916-849-9843 cell www.arb.ca.gov ARB gives relief to off-road construction equipment owners SACRAMENTO: Air Resources Board Executive Officer James G. Goldstene issued the following statement today: "Over the last several years, the construction industry has felt the sting of the faltering economy with reduced activity and idled off-road equipment. This has made it difficult for contractors to pay for required clean-air upgrades to their fleets. Along with this reduced construction activity has been a corresponding reduction in construction emissions. "Because of this, ahead of a March 1, 2010, compliance deadline, ARB will issue an enforcement advisory to notify all stakeholders affected by the off-road equipment regulation that effective immediately, and until further notice, no enforcement action will be taken for noncompliance. In addition, on March 11 an Executive Officer hearing will be held where stakeholders may testify on the question of whether the off-road regulations should be further modified to account for the down economy and subsequent emissions reductions. That information will be included in an already-scheduled update to the full Board at its April meeting. "ARB will continue to evaluate the impact of the recession on emissions from all sources and make adjustments to our regulations as needed. However, the health of all Californians requires that all industries continue to use the cleanest, most efficient equipment possible. Clean air is not a luxury - it is a right. We need to continue to work toward goals that save us all money in healthcare costs, lost work and school days, and contribute to our quality of life." The Air Resources Board is a department of the California Environmental Protection Agency. ARB's mission is to promote and protect public health, welfare, and ecological resources through effective reduction of air pollutants while recognizing and considering effects on the economy. The ARB oversees all air pollution control efforts in California to attain and maintain health based air quality standards. ##### ====================================================================== You are subscribed to the newsrel mailing list. To UNSUBSCRIBE: Please go to http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/listserv.php and enter your email address and click on the button "Display Email Lists." To unsubscribe, please click inside the appropriate box to uncheck it and go to the bottom of the screen to submit your request. You will receive an automatic email message confirming that you have successfully unsubscribed. Also, please read our listserve disclaimer at http://www.arb.ca.gov/listserv/disclaim.htm . The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our website at www.arb.ca.gov. ====================================================================== sbm1
  4. Looks to me like you still have room in there for a couple 70's!
  5. Great time Thanks, left it nice and smooth for presidents day weekend Gonna be rough out there for a while ps edited to add, for those upset about the rough conditions nextweekend one of the little ones in our camp has something to say....
  6. The rain was prety cool, here is a shot out of the front windshield while leaving last night. :freakin_nuts:
  7. Have to see if I can go find my liver, left it up there somewhere at the 70's regetta...
  8. That sight is very cool! can target report right on the dunes. ps thanks for the heads up on the link Pete, my ADD and tunnel vision take me right to "view recent posts".
  9. Weatherunderground says rain fri pm through sunday, accuweather says some rain sat pm only. What have you found to be the most reliable forcast source throughout the years?
  10. The weather is improving, thanks for the link!
  11. Negative; In the state of Ca. cranes and concrete pumpers are non- commercial vehicles. Read Chp Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Manual HPM 82.5 5-1 through 5-4, 7-3 through 7-4. My cranes are registered as automobiles, cranes and concrete pumpers are allowed to do this and are exempt from weight fees. No BIT inspections required as well, just can't have 32 or more square feet of deck space available for a load.
  12. Hey Pete, I usually have a dozen or so large cones in the moho, I wont be able to make it till fri pm, my sidekick (daughter) for the weekend snapped her ankle so I recruited a buddy who has to work till 4pm fri..
  13. My Nephew / employee was cited for driving one of my rigs on a street designated "non-commercial". was also sighted for: dis-obeying traffic sign (no trucks) failure to yeild to an emergency vehicle ("took too long to stop") no motor carrier permit (officer ran old ca numbers) had current copy in crane (misdermeanor) assessed an additional $300.00 for "impact on local community" no weight stickers (do not need on a crane in Ca.) non current address (just bought a new house a couple months ago in the city where he was being cited) So because of the citation, the city stands to earn more than a grand, however, he may loose his job due to insurance dropping him, so they will loose his property taxes of over 3k a year if he looses his home plus my co. spends over 6 figures a year to other businesses located in the city where sighted which will go away. Just stupid to keep on putting the burden of the current economic crisis on the sholders of the residents... Oh, and all of the BS new CARB regulations, which have been proven to be nothing but smoke and mirrors, are estimated to cost each household in ca about 5k annually once implimented...
  14. Pete I signed up 2 participants 0 spectators, Tks!
  15. Any kind of list of peeps signed up? :drunks:
  16. Everyone always seems to throw around "LOL", Seriously, for the first time in a while, LOL!!
  17. Thanks Guys I am Stoked for sure!
  18. That's funny, my wife said the same thing on the last 4 cars
  19. Probably my favorite .5hr show on television right there!
  20. 11 cars in as many years and this one is my "keeper"! Ls1's, Ls'2, 2.0 and 2.5L Subarus, Honda's, VW's, all of the formentioned with blowdriers, In the mix were a few Funcos, don't want to mention any other MFG's but Ive owned a few of the other Major builders rides as well as a couple of not so well known names in the business. I always keep coming back to the Funco's, they suite my style of driving the best and their customer service and support is the best in the buss IMO. As many times as I have sat down with Grant and REALLY wanted to own a new car it was never the right time for me financially. Anyways, I ran across this 2005 Gen4 Big5 (finished early 2006) and the thing looks Brand new. Only 6-7 trips on it and it looks better than if I would have made 1 trip on it (guess we follow eachother too close) Specs: 2.5L C&G closed deck Subaru with the 460hp package and Big BB turbo with large inlet, MOTEC 2D with Funco Nosecone Chrome / black annodized bypass' on all 4 corners On board air Hid's on the pillars And finally, 1 excited new owner Cheers!
  21. Bought my last rail from one of the owners, said the side X side mag was doing well but not sand addiction. Suprised to see them both gone. Bummer. Hopefully Sand Sports will hire the "Bunnies"
  22. Take the kids to NYC for a few days and see what I almost miss... All signed up for 2 entrys; looking forward to it Pete :atc: ps pm me with any sponsorship info you may have. Cheers
  23. I read, Ya, I hit some strange but now I need to suck up to save some SERIOUS coin...
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