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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. Sad Thanksgiving for many, seems the stuff in G was mostly non side by side related... I would say though, and it has been said before (not referring to any particular accident) All side by side stock belts need to be changed out to harnesses before use as well as Polaris cages. If you can not afford to spend that extra money you can not afford the side by side... Godspeed to all the fellow duners who lost their lives and prayers to all those effected, I couldn't even imagine....
  2. That really sux, I would hope any hotel parking lot in Vegas has a security camera system. Worth a shot...
  3. Especially when you get your stacker hooked up
  4. Those revolutions are nice and 15K tow capacity as well
  5. They will do fine, not quite as good as paddles but you can drive it through the rocky flats with no worries. You beadlocked? I'd run 7-8 lbs if so, if not id run 10-12 rear and 8-10 front. Oh and use 4wd
  6. How do you buy food diesel & race gas for $32.00? 🍺
  7. Years, Pictures, Contact Info...
  8. Killer video, thanks for sharing it
  9. lost mine a year ago, had a kid in camp sign into my account and used find my iphone. Actually found in under a few inches of sand.
  10. Lucky! Enjoy, looks killer out there!
  11. Results may vary. Before you hook up a loaded enclosed check your frame rail extensions. You can have a hitch shop beef them up if necessary. I've seen many cheesy factory extensions bent down.
  12. Took a leaf blower and blew out the sand in the enclosed from last year. All ready
  13. You could sell it and buy a newer turbo side by side and have a reliable rig with the same amount of hp 4wd and way better suspension / handling. Prob be in it less $ and definitely less headaches. Or better yet, buy the BFD with a hyabusa listed on here and be way ahead of the game!
  14. https://reachair.com/ Not sure if they cover dumont but popular with the glamis crowd.
  15. My daughter still rides a ltr450 and my son rides a YFZR, I love the quads after a wind blows through but they are kinda like a sea doos, only fun when its smooth out. All of the rails / side by sides making deep tracks make for a rough ride, even at 3- 4psi.
  16. Hats are cool, might want to make one without a flat bill for those of us too old to pull one off
  17. Since its a chenowth I'm sure the geometry is good, I added power steering to an off brand sand car years ago and due to the bump steer we ended up having to put a rubber bushing between the power steering and rack to make the rack live. Watch out for that smile when you drive it for the first time as well (-=
  18. Nice wheeling pics! Just got back from Pismo as well, however had to leave the sand toys at home as it was our 27th anniversary
  19. http://thebuggyman.tripod.com/chenowth_frames.htm
  20. Dig the 4 runners, lost of bang for the buck
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