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Everything posted by raspadoo

  1. Damn Brutha you guys are having zero luck with that ride. I know its not you families style but could you ease off on the boost and get rid of that gearbox.I know reverse is handy but…..
  2. Car looks Legit, keep pushing forward! have a projected finish date yet?
  3. X2 on the buggy roundup, there are usually quite a few rigs from the IE. Great way to see who matches up with your camping / duning style
  4. Tragic... thanks for the link a reminder to all to buckle up.
  5. Agree on all points for sure, Girl seems to be recovering well, little ones are resilient. Just thought it was good info to learn from.
  6. I could not even imagine... http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2016/11/04/search-underway-for-off-road-hit-and-run-driver-who-injures-3-year-old-redlands-girl/
  7. I would not chance anything but a very light bicycle type helmet on a 14mo old, my opinion is anything heavier may do more harm than good. I would be more concerned with assuring she is secure in the vehicle than anything and take it slow and easy
  8. OK wife was a bit lets say "unhappy" when I told her we had to reschedule out trip to Paris because of the roundup Good thing I could schedule is sooner rather than later, all is well
  9. Looking Good Brutha, if you guys head out halloween let me know
  10. Looking good! I dig the new timeline on the left. I liked how the unread content stayed in the new post area just was not in bold before. That may just be me but it was much easier to revisit a topic without having to find which forum it was posted in before. YOU asked for suggestions
  11. Hey Pete, any chance of limiting unread content to posts, seems to be cluttered up with pictures from members galleries. Just a suggestion as they were not there before
  12. Unread post should definitely be in the Nav bar as it is first thing I click on
  13. Literally not enough money on earth for me to touch that toilet….
  14. Both very nice rigs, Grats! My cousin is a DM for Yamaha so we had access to the demo last year. They are a blast in the sand, really like to be driven on the pipe
  15. Dropping my son off to start his freshman year at college today, my daughter started her junior year last Tues. Empty nesters for the first time. Me = Mom = LOL
  16. Think about this from time to time as well, updates anyone?
  17. Car looks Sweet! Glass is awesome as long as you and all of your passengers have iron stomachs. Is looks like it may be removable.?
  18. Looks like a great vacation spot Terry
  19. For the dune community I think there would be next to zero interest in a rv park for multiple reasons. As far as storage, some may use it to cut down on wear and tear but very few IMO. If it was closer to the dunes like the storage areas in Glamis then it may be a touch more popular but there are not near the numbers they have down south. Baker is simply a place to refuel for most and change directions (west) for a few.
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