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Everything posted by rebelmark

  1. Great to see the Dune Tiki God Mistah Black!!! Give him a pat on the head for good luck next time you are by!
  2. Is Mistah Black the Tiki God still at the South Pole? We placed him last year to bring luck to all you duners!
  3. I added Mr Black the tiki god the same weekend! Very cool!
  4. See my ride report on duneanddirt.com Overall, a great weekend! We installed a new Tiki God at the South Pole (Mr. Black), and tore up the dunes during the wind storm! We did see a guy being hauled out on the rescue buggy; does anyone know what happened?
  5. Can you map out a Joe Duner run and send it to me? Or better yet, hook up with us on Prez weekend??
  6. For future reference, you can buy them at Golf Cart shops or just go on their website and look for nearest dealer.
  7. Spend the little extra money and get Trojans. Far superior to Costco brands.
  8. Aaaaah...Dumont Dunes. I've been everywhere, maaaan....Glamis, St. A's, Oregon...but to me, Dumont is home. Beautiful tall dunes that give me chills everytime i pull up on to the plateau. We arrived on Wednesday around 3:30pm and it was empty out there. Rolled in to our usual spot against the first finger dune and started setting up. By this time, it was what i like to call "magic time" at Dumont. The sun is starting to set. The dunes take on a purple hue. It is gorgeous out there. We fired up the Jagged X and hit the front facing dunes. This was the first trip with a new top end and high compression pistons on the RZR. It was snappy! Carved a few dune faces and headed out to the hill for a a quick shoot up it. We duned our way back to the flats and found our friend Jere from Wyoming that was here for SXS wars. Shot the bull with him for a bit and made plans for later, then headed back for camp. We were expecting friends to arrive later that evening so we hung out in the trailer and talked; finally, we heard a SXS pull up and there was my friend Tony. Jumped in the RZR to help guide them in, and now camp had 2 trailers. Thursday, we woke up early and started assaulting the virgin dunes. The sand was perfect. We were floating through the turns with hardly any tracks except our own. We duned, ate, duned, ate, and duned more. By this time, more of our friends were pulling in, so we led them in and got camp set up. Friday the craziness started to set in. There were people everywhere! We duned hard all day long and settled in for a nice dinner. Made a few trips out to the gate to bring people in and finally our camp circle was complete. We took a night ride out to Comp to check out the action. We had a first timer with us and she could not believe how crazy it was out at the hill during nighttime. We also witnessed an unfortunate accident on Banshee hill. We were sitting up on the dunes watching my friend jump and the sharp exhaust note of a Banshee caught our attention. His racing partner turned off and he continued up the hill at a breakneck pace. His quad launched over 50 feet and we knew he was in trouble. We raced over to the scene and some in our group shot up the hill to render assistance. My wife and I took off towards the ranger station to let them know what happened and to tell them to get a helicopter headed our way. We knew the seriousness of the situation from radio reports from our friends on top of the hill. We raced back to the bottom of Banshee and assisted family members by driving them back to their camp. We were very saddened to find out that gentleman did not make it. I carry a small trauma kit in my bag when riding or duning in remote areas. Included in my kit is a quick clot bandange and the usual stuff in a trauma kit. I highly recommend that at least one person in your group carries this. In Dumont, you are a LONG way from help should something bad occur. Saturday, the crowds were extremely heavy. We did some easy duning to the usual spots, then took a road trip to Parumph for some food and fireworks. We came back and cooked a killer steak and lobster dinner, and ended the night relaxing with friends. Sunday, we were up early to pack and back on the road to Northern CA. It was a great trip!! We will see you soon Dumont!
  9. Lost my old GoPro Hero HD with wifi bacpac near the finger dune closest to the big dune. Please contact me at markmoran@sbcglobal.net if found.
  10. Can you ride OHV from Dumont to Tecopa to soak in the hot springs?
  11. I hope if I get hurt at Dumont you are there to work on me:)
  12. We are heading out tomorrow...camping near the 2nd finger dune. 2 weekend Warrior haulers, quads, a teryx and an orange vw rail. My name is Mark, stop by for a drank!
  13. Is Vendor row still alive at this point in the season? Will be at Dumont from the 11th thru the 15th.
  14. Head on crash on Comp Hill Saturday night around 10ish. One quad going up, one going down. I saw they were going to hit about 100yards before they did. Curious if everyone was ok, and I guess i'm not sure how that happened. They were the only two quads on the hill when it happened, they had to see each other. Other than that, it was my first time to Dumont and I had a blast. Its going to make Pismo look like park sandbox.
  15. I know they offer something like this at Glamis, but what about Dumont? Can someone provide a link if this is available? Thanks, Mark
  16. Bump. I will be out this Thanksgiving and would love to leave a letter.
  17. Well i do have a weekend warrior with a leopard print interior....i guess it could be construed as a honey wagon!
  18. Hello, Planning my first trip to Dumont for Thanksgiving, and wondering if there are honey wagons out there to pump out RV's? I searched but could not find anything. Thanks, Mark
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