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Everything posted by rcjunky3

  1. Where was this? I'm staying away from that freeway! 15 north bound going through barstow probably heading to dumont it was a friday evening
  2. i recently saw an armada pass me doing 80+ pulling the 25ft WW superlite that i want to pull behind my yukon xl. he had an equalizer set up and that a$$ end was not squated at all and yes it had quads inside i could see em right through the windows
  3. congratulations finally a tatum with all wheel drive i wonder how she will do in the sand, seriously though she is a cutie
  4. it was stated that the pole was started as a joke for ones own personnel hang out spot so what created this into wanting to get a permit and set this thing up? was it the possibility of seeing that you can make some money by publicly exposing people. now correct me if im wrong if somebody wanted to go to an establishment and see naked bodies would they not have to pay a cover charge but also show ID to prove they are of a legal age so why in your right mind would you even consider bringing this to a wide open public place where you would have no control of the age of anybody seeing this. what exactly are you going to tell the BLM you want a permit for "a stripper pole" so you can have these naked people out for every man, woman and child to see. even if you do obtain a permit it doesnt mean that it is ethicly or morally right and they can still shut you down and kick you out without refunding your money just like anybody that may cause a violation. come on dude get real here and think about the real tragedy you are causing here. havent you read where some eco-terrorist organization wants to shut down dumont because of a little lizards home is threatend i do believe there is a post on this very forum about it hell it even made fox news. what do you think this would add to their arsenal of evidence to show what a bunch of no good, brainless (in there opinions) off roaders are doing to there forsaken land of lizard territory. we all work so hard to take out more trash than we bring in, contribute time to helping clean up the dunes to show how responsible we are and that we care about the dunes, and teach our youngsters the importance of cleanliness and safe duning so they to can someday pass it along to the next generation without it being taken away like the other dune areas that have been lost in the past.
  5. glad to hear all is well with your mom and we will have you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. my co-worker and good friend just went through a quad bypass about 3 weeks ago so i kind of know the feeling. take care pete
  6. since there are no bathrooms #1 and #2 is it safe to assume those are at the little dunes and thank you pete for doing this you are the man
  7. the cold wasnt so bad on saturday but the steady breeze that blew all day really sucked. some pretty fast quads were runing up and down banshee hill on saturday which was fun to watch. happy to report the south pole is still there.
  8. sorry to hear about the rail that sucks pete glad nobody got hurt. hopefully it wont be to long down the road before you are able to be railing again. glad i was able to meet up with you guys and get the south pole reastablished. we had a great time with the weather being so nice and my kids were able to ride all they wanted with out the large crowds of people.
  9. ok pete supplies are in hand for reinstatement of the south pole
  10. yes what he said on oil as far as any springs fitting they dont all interchange though. you will find different diameters of springs as in losi and associated for example a losi is bigger in diameter so upon some decent compression you will push a losi spring right through an associated bottom cup if you are going to cross springs on manufacturers i would buy the upper and lower cups to accomadate the spring brand. i have had to do this over the years and that was always on 1/10th scale trucks and buggies. so an 1/8th would have more weight and more of an issue. i recently had to do this with my rock crawlers i built i wanted losi springs because of the greater variety but i already had associated shocks so buy rpm spring cups for a losi and walla problem solved. next question you pm'ed me was about progressive springs. progressive suspension just happens to be in your home town and they used to have an r/c line and they made progressive rate springs. so call em up or go see them they are off eucalyptus and i ave
  11. so pete when we are out next weekend how about a little diggin and cement party im down to help ya out
  12. i signed along with my wife and kids i didnt see where it said you had to be eighteen and it assigned them each a number
  13. we are planning on coming out saturday and sunday with some friends. i will swing by maybe go for a ddr ride since i lost out that last time i attempted the ddr ride
  14. yeah i think everybody on there believes there stuff is made of gold they have been going for as much as a new excel wheel with a talon hub. i dont expect it for free but 300-400 dollars is outa control for used
  15. anybody have any info on maybe finding a rear wheel for my 2006 yz450f i would ike to be able to mount up my paddle on a seperate rim. i do believe all 250's up to 450's from at least 2000 to current will fit
  16. for those who dont know the reason on the years being so out of whack. a manufacturer is only allowed to purchase so many vin numbers for a years production so when ww runs out of numbers they move on to the next year. just like boyds buying up all the vin plates for street rods and nobody else being able to build a new custom car. it is kinda outa control on the vin numbers last january ww was just starting to issue 07's its still not 07 and 08's are here. what happens in 2015 will we be buying 2030's ? didnt mean to hijack the thread
  17. have you ever been to dumont on any given weekend where there is a large quantity of people? i dont think you realize the ratio of people per law enforcement. look at the sandrail incident on halloween all personnel were at the scene and there wasnt really that many there. so you cant blame them, as adults we all need to be responsible. the $20 isnt necesarily for them to guard what everybody is doing its for upkeep and maintenace if im not mistaken
  18. last friday there was a guy with a ds that had a turbo i heard the whistle and then hung around to check it out he was just playing around at the far west end in the dunes. it seemed to be ok he was keeping it spooled up in the powerband not that i would run out and get one but i was surprised to see somebody just playing around with a turbo on a quad
  19. excellant point pete i remember on friday morning while heading to comp across the flats i hit part of one of those tracks on my quad and i thought i was going to eat it hard only 10 minutes into being at dumont. best regards to the family
  20. just like pete said in the other thread even 1 beer in your system and a situation occurs the cops will be looking at you regardless
  21. i can understand where you are coming from pete and yes i realize people may know there limits and may not need to lock up their keys. but what really gets me the most is the people and it is not gender based, not considering there childrens own well being. people say drinking and driving dont mix nobody has ever had a slogan that says drinking and children dont mix. this past weekend not only did i see a lady having a beer at the north pole as soon as she was done 3 little kids piled in the back of a rhino no seat or belts and off she goes haulin butt bouncing across the whoop section heading back to comp. not trash talkin but what kind of parent is that. yes 1 beer may or may not impair her ability how do we know how many she had but why would you drink with being responsible for children. i realize not everybody on here has kids and doesnt see things the same way as a parent would, some do and some dont. i know personally alot changed for me when my daughters came along.
  22. amen to that chase nobody should operate anything after drinking. its bad enough the ecoterrorist want to close dumont because of a lizard and the whole drinking party scenario then go for a ride would give them even more firepower if they were smart enough to include that in there study of these recreation spots. what about the guys at comp having a beer then taking off in those big powerfull rails with there kids sitting in the back seat. im not against drinking and having a party but just be responsible. why in town would we consider calling a taxi or a friend when we need help because we are wasted but at the dunes we throw all that out the window
  23. dude that thing is sweet i know you have been looking for awhile congrats on the new home away from home.
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