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Everything posted by rcjunky3

  1. yeah i know they are very confused i actually spent one afternoon and read through every page and any article i saw on the yfz performance "tricks". i really wanted to sell my bike and get something else after that. those guys are a bunch of A holes. im sure there are a few that have some knowledge. i couldnt find any simple answer to some jetting questions i had. sandyfz was the shiznit on that subject. i asked him about the accelerator pump cover also and he explained why it is better instead of just quoting boyesen thats why ill gladly fly a ddr flag on the top of my whip. you guys are all no nonsense and very helpitive dudes.
  2. isbb you seem to have alot of knowledge on this motor, either in the 2 wheeled or 4 wheeled form it is basically the same ? of course with a few things different. i have read lots about the cam trick. whats your take on the cam trick versus just buying a set of hot cams ? mine is an 04 by the way.
  3. right on thats a nice lookin tire it seems all the i looked at out there only had the knobbie tires i must not have seen yours. i will have to remember that if i do get that new bike i want
  4. who makes that i had never seen one before its obviously molded not bonded like a skat trak tire and is it something fairly new
  5. speaking of the 2 wheeled goobers i wonder why they dont make a smoothie or a rib for a or would it even work like it does on a quad im only kidding about the goober part im looking at buying one myself hopefully the new yamaha
  6. yeah i dont think i am going to worry about it i just thought i would get some feedback from other duners
  7. so im guessing that every weekend out you either break the bead of 1 tire and rotate it or pull the hub and rotate on the splines. i wonder why somebody hasnt made a sand rim with screws like a drag racing rim or some sort of locking device. i guess bead locks would work but dang that would be e$$pensive. i wonder how crucial this is for your average duner. i could understand a racer that needs to have equal pressures and sizes for consistency and handling.
  8. this may sound crazy but is there any truth to having your paddle tires aligned. even at various pressures they seem to rotate. i have been told by several people that they should always be aligned or they could give you problems when climbing hills or during launching it could shift your bike to either side. when my daughters were new in a box from itp they werent aligned.
  9. as far as performance the only mods are a white bros slip on pipe and pro designs air filter. i have been thinking about the accelerator pump cover, rev box, header to go with the pipe and a set of hot cams. the cams will probably be the 1 mod i am not sure about yet. i was hoping to chat with sand yfz last weekend but when his axle decided not to co-operate with his riding plans he headed out and i didnt get a chance to talk to him.
  10. ok so maybe the motor wouldnt go boom but why take a chance. so if the electronic gizmo is shutting down the motor because the slide is stuck that would mean unless the slide unsticks itself and you are out say 20 miles from home on a ride or in the bottom of the super bowl your bike would not restart ? i was told by a yamaha shop that there is no spring in the slide to return it like most conventional carbs, i dont know this for sure because i havent had mine apart yet. he also said thats part of the reason why most people that race end up spending lots more money and buying a regular carb for performance also. i just feel its weird when an aftermarket company makes something for any vehicle and it is messing with a safety device that they possibly inherently disable and cant confirm that what they made is still just as safe. but hey to each his own it is somebody elses bike i was just trying to pass on a little safety info on what i had found .
  11. exactly. thats what i was saying you can put on the motion pro but you loose the safety of a possible stuck open slide not being closed by the electronic device
  12. sorry it does need to come off of the yzf i just realizes i missed the "f" when writing the first posting. take a look at a yzf or wr next time you see one
  13. like i said read the article on kory ellis's bike and it explains why a single cable aftermarket is not safe. the factory thumb has electronic sensors once you remove it there is no fail safe and no motion pro would not verify with me when i called them that if i put the kit they offer on would i still have the t.o.r.s. operational from yamaha
  14. it seems like those bolts at the starter gear are a common problem on the 06 i have seen many postings on different sites about the exact same problem. twist throttles? i have read articles and talked to different shops for a year now and the only safe way from what i read and was told is going with the factory yamaha twist. about a $120.00 in parts at yamaha plus you need to buy the special tap 12mm x 1.00. or watch ebay for yamaha twist throttles i just paid $25.00 for a new unused yz assembly. by safe i mean because of the throttle shutdown that you disable when using anybody elses twist throttle if your bike goes wide open guess what BOOOOOOM . atv scene did an article on kory ellis's race bike and about half way down they go into detail about why and how the fcr carb works www.atvscene.com/evaluations/project-ellis-yfz-03.htm i am in no way saying i am an expert on this just what i found in researching what i wanted to do hope it helps.
  15. pete thanks for the stickers i had a great time my buddy and i enjoyed the ride with the rest of the ddr crew it was alot of fun. my kids enjoyed the marshallows but i think the fire ball and exploding bottle will definetly keep them from playing with fire that was something they were even talking about today. it was cool to have some other people to park with and go riding with
  16. sounds like berts mega mall in covina i tried to tell the guy i was only looking and not buying 2hrs later and his wasted time i still had no final price only what they could try and do for me since it was a limited edition and he only had 2.
  17. no not any particular color or size i like the coin style you had posted. the only thing is i want to make sure it stands out on my bike just because it is black plastic so as long as you can see it its cool with me. the others are white and 2 blue
  18. by the way anybody going to have ddr stickers available this weekend for purchase
  19. another oldie but goodie is the yamaha zinger 60 era of 1986 only. it is smaller as they should be for the little's it has a pull start and 2 stroke injected and yes there are paddles for the six inch rims from skat trak. my friend just bought a raptor 50 and its huge in fact i checked it against my other daughters raptor 80 and it is the same frame and plastics. only smaller engine and smaller tires
  20. the new sean paul video was also filmed at dumont right at the end of the finger as you would be heading towards the big face hill. if you watch the background you can see the split between heading over to comp
  21. yeah i will be there with my wife and kids and my neighbor with his family possibly a co worker with his son just for saturday. i should be there by 9am my kids are looking forward to toastin up some marshmallows that night whats everyones favorite beverage of course i know its beer, i will bring some for everyone to share.
  22. we might be heading out on that saturday. i missed the ride on t-day one of my friends banshee lost a piston in the bowl so we left early. we just took out the family yesterday and boy were the dunes sweet, so smooth. only 2 other people out there camping so the kids were able to go free. now they want to go back again so it looks like the 10th is another family day.
  23. sand yfz thank you very much for the jetting help it was soooooo much better the only thing i didnt do was adjust the fuel mixture screw only because i wasnt sure exactly where it was i have never messed with carbs before and it seemed everybody i knew said it was something different so to be safe i didnt listen to any of em. i am thinking about doing some more ez mods to my bike in the future like maybe cams and a rev box not sure though.
  24. rcjunky3

    RC Cars

    the concept of using a drill isnt such a bad idea to spin it up. back a few years ago before roto starts my buddy fabbed a piece up to be able to use a drill to spin it. it was cheaper than a starter box and better than a pull start. thats why i have always liked electric no matter what the barometer says it always runs the same. i know nitro is fast, sounds cool and smells good but its also a pain the majority of the time. but to each his own its like trx vs yfz as long as you have fun thats what counts
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