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Everything posted by Randog

  1. Yahhh-mon, Want me to bring the puter on Saturday???? :halloween: :pumpkin: R-
  2. :bert: . . . . :surrender:
  3. Here's all I could get of the Jets. Someone should make T-shirts of F-16s and sandcars. :surrender: Shortest video ever. lol R-
  4. Now that looks like a damn good time. Great costumes. Krazy house peeps foe schizzz. R-
  5. ....... Ryders first trip to Dumont ...... Killer weekend. Killer rides. Too much damn fun. Yes sand was perfect. We really had some rippin' rides. LouB lead some smokin' rides foe schizzz. Rob, Heck yeah them jets were awesome. I ran into the trailer and grabbed the vid camera for when they came back. Scared the :poop: outta Whit and Ryder but I got a small clip of when they split to do the climb. We had so much fun in camp this trip. We had appetizer night on Saturday. It turned out great! Then we went into a 16 player horseshoe tournament. Some good times right there. Harry and I pulled away with the victory. We gotta do that more often. Thanks everyone for making our weekend one of the best ever! Good chillin' with you too Sandboxkid and wife Sherri. Your friends are really cool too. :drunks: I think I only took a couple pics. and a couple videos. I'll post later. Gotta get some sleep tonight cuz I been up past 2am three nights in a row. out, R-
  6. Did you say evening till morning run??? Awesome I knew you'd figure something out Pete. Just razzzin' ya bro. ----------- Hey Ynot and 80Grit, I'm in on some rail rides too guys. :beer_bang: We'll have a few cars with us. Yiah Yiah! R-
  7. :ah: . . . ya ........ Ya know,,,, them are just numbers... Just keep dunnin' like a MuffHugga. :beer_bang: Yiah Yiah! :porn: Happy Birthday Terry R-
  8. Yes YOU would Sean. Ya crazy mohegan! :ah: Wouldn't catch me hangin' off that sucker. I don't give a DAM what's near the bridge. that. I'm out. Looks like a killer yob their doing. Sucker is massive. I'm with 1BADYFZ..... I'zzz Gotz Chillzzz. :flatbiller: R-
  9. That weekend was sooooo needed. :porn: The sand was way soft, and yes tough to read. However, we all ripped through them dunes as if there were tracks leading the way. My favorite part on the fresh glass is "Power Sliding" everywhere. Great video Mike. I got some of our last ride on Saturday. I'll try to put something together soon. Can't beat them GoPro cameras for the price. Great pics too 80Grit and SandChick! Thanks a bunch. Everyone new cars are sweet! I forgot you got a new one too ~Sand Snake~ Missed it! I had a total blast with everyone. Special thanks to the KRUSTY Krew for feeding the Dog. Even when I was a BadDog and threw the water bottle and hit your moho. Always good time with the DDR group. Good meeting more like 80 Grit, Firecracker, and more! Can't wait for next trip! R-
  10. AMEN my brothas, Full moon and cooler weather. My chit is just about ready. I'm so jonezzin' for this season. :flatbiller: Damn, it seem like it's been 3 years since we were rippin' in the cars. F#@*'n wind or not............ I'M IN ! YES YES! R-
  11. :?: " I ain't caryin' this stuff anymore. Here Ryder hold my bags and watch this chit! "
  12. Just an FYI for anyone converting to two 6 volt batteries for the first time. Be sure to hook two 6 volts up in 'series' to get a 12 volt output. If you are running two 12 volt batteries hook them up 'parallel' to get a 12 volt output. Here's some examples: Two 6 volts parallel = 6 volt output Two 6 volts in series = 12 volt output Two 12 volts parallel = 12 volt output Two 12 volts in series = 24 volt output If you are not sure and can't figure it out with a volt meter, then ask someone who knows so you don't stress your coach. R-
  13. lol, I was just posting that Wingy. ^^^^^ Back in the day , I replaced several Banshee chain rollers with a urethane skateboard wheel. The bearing bores and spacing were the same size as the stock. I machines the wheels down on the lathe using razor blades. I know urethane would hold up way longer than nylon. Check into that! R-
  14. :worthless_without_pics: Lookin' Totally Awesome Kllm. I can't wait for this season. I gotta see your car in person mANg. When's your first trip out yO? R-
  15. :ah: ^^^ :ah: . . . . . . . . :mischevious: . . "gravationally challenged"
  16. I don't call you "Notch-yO" for nothin'. Didn't take you long to decide you want to leave you're mark on this one bro. Keep up the good work and keep us posted. :mischevious: Dumont is going to be a blast with you in a car out there. :ah: R-
  17. Awesome Daddy Brent! Congrats to your family! :mischevious: R-
  18. :shout: It's a bird, It's a plane!!!!!! ^^^ . . . Yeah, his car is sik. Ridiculous power! R-
  19. Yep, Right on Notch-yo daddy! You're gonna love duning in a car. I guess you threw out the Barney idea. Hey, you still plannin' on stoppin' by mANg? :drunks: :drunks: R-
  20. Yiah! Badazzz shots guys. I got ideas. Doesn't include a bra or Pete's mellon. Great work! R-
  21. These Kennedys are droppin' like flys. Someone oughta name a band after them. :clown:
  22. Right on Nick. It looks cool mANg. Can't wait till you get a sandcar, so we'll have "Tunes in the Dunes!" R-
  23. Ohhh, Was dat you that jumped into the pool first when they were fighting? :shout: Get em' Daddy Notch-Yo! Dude, I was watching that and thinkin' bout your ankle. How's that been feelin?
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