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Everything posted by Randog

  1. Yeah, No Doubt. That was pretty dang cool of ya Bryce. :dance: Wish you were there all weekend with us bro. Next time foe schizzzzz yo. R- Cool avatar Nick. :atc: :atc:
  2. Right on CaptN. Great detective work. Good Eye, Good Eye Did ISBB help you? He has A good eye too... :dance: Congrats Yo. R-
  3. Fuggin' Awesome Weekend..... What a blast. :atc: :atc: :atc: I thank EVERYONE who showed up. Wouldn't have been the same without everyone. Great job Dunefreak. :dance: Everything went Awesome mANg. Ya did good. Al's BBQ... :hungry: ... Killer grub again. Ohhh, Them pics? >>> Thanks for postin' guys. holy chit! I didn't take pics, but I got some video. I need to learn how to edit this video stuff. Too Damn Fun. :dance: R-
  4. Man I though my wheels were pitted. Looks good Mark. Nice trike you got there. Your bars look a little low though bro. ya know? lol. See ya soon mang. :atc: R-
  5. Oh Hellzzzz YIAH! Schedule sounds Awesome Pete. :atc: :atc: :atc: :atc:
  6. Sure Terry, I'd try to soak em' with WD-40 for a day or so. Then TRY to remove em'. However the odds are that you will be replacing the studs and nuts. I'm just sayin'. I'd order a few extra to keep in your trailer as spares too. You might want to wipe a bit of grease on the studs before you assemble them next time. Also, I never use an impact for these reasons, but many peeps have no problems doing so. Good luck Y-nizzzle. R-
  7. Lucky mANgs! I see tracks in the sand. Any idea how those got there? Looks like you guys were in the air the whole trip. Cool pics ksc. R-
  8. No Kidding Vic. (like Woody). Cool pics Pete. He's way mellow. He doesn't look too excited, You musta only had Bud Light. Hope you guys had fun at the lake. :angry2: Was it or what? Ya-aughta catch his arse and bring em out for the Regatta. :angry2: R-
  9. ------------------------------- Name ...... Qty = Size, Qty = Size, Qty = Size ------------------------------- Jackster 1 = 2XL White Rhino 1 = XL, 1 = Med Randog 1 = Lg diqcheese 1 = XL, 1 = kid Med
  10. Yep That's Urckel's plan, CVs. He's plannin' on keeping one of the Extreme axles just for a spare. crusty said the bind of the axle is what broke the hub plate out of the trailing arm. :ah:
  11. Yo Prez, how bout the date with year too? I like the big logo on the back too. ------------------------------- Name ...... Qty = Size, Qty = Size, Qty = Size ------------------------------- Jackster 1 = 2XL White Rhino 1 = XL, 1 = Med Randog 1 = Lg
  12. I keep getting text messages from all around the country. (notch-yo ) Some of these peeps want to camp with OGP. You camp with OGP? Yeah, You know Me. Who camps with OGP?
  13. Wouldn't Wingy win both pretty and ugly? Cuz his atc is looking 'pretty ugly' these days. OK that will cost me a Jager Bomb.
  14. Don't forget "little Doggie". Boy or girl???? We find out in a couple weeks. Congrats Cheese and family. R-
  15. Bummer Wingy! That blows Like Jack said, Good thing you're ok. and glad your house didn't go up. I bet Notch-yo will be all over it for parts. R-
  16. Dude, Thank YOU guys! That grub hit the spot Al. I'm only bringin' beer for the Ragatta. You better be there man! :flatbiller: Yeah, you need to dune again with us too. Tell the group thanks for me, R-
  17. Dumont was Awesome again. Thanks to Vegas style for reservin' our spot. Ya did good. Great camp again. cool peeps everywhere foe schizzzz. :hungry: Heck Yeah Terry, Between you, Loub, dunefreak, and I, We led some killer runs. Everyone was runnin' great this trip. Got to dune with Barefoot bob. He jumped with us in the middle of one of our rides. Wow, lots of fast cars out there at the hill. Lots of car runs, 70s in camp, but didn't even get out on the qWad all weekend. Special Thanks to painterjoe for pushing all the liquor on us all weekend. :drunk2: Jager bombs all weekend. Oreo poker again in dunefreak and duniemonkie's hauler. Woody found a new way to eat and drink at the same time. Eatin' beer soaked Oreos. Yuck. Pete said his paddle tire was only flat on the bottom. Urckel's Buckshot ran great thanks to crusty, but had some chassis issues. I know you and Karen still had a blast though. Just gotta work out the bugs there buddy. Mega Thanks to "Smokin' Al's" for the grub. Killer stuff Al. Awesome set-up there bud. Lookin' forward to grubbin' at the 70 Ragatta. I got a few pics I'll look through. hopefully some decent ones. Had it on macro most the time. It was great to see everyone again. :foshizz: R-
  18. That's BaddAzzz! Makes me want to go to Dumont TONIGHT!
  19. Yeah, No doubt huh Paul. Them were nice ATCs. ..............( tweeker ) Not so sure about them colors, but I'm sure they'll turn out really nice. R-
  20. Great deal on that there Rage'n Jack. You're gonna love that sucker. It's almost the same thing as mine. Except you won't have to climb up a ladder to pass out. :drunk2: ( front bed ). Here's a pic of mine. Same year and all
  21. Yiah Yiah! These deserve it. Thanks Prezzzzz. :dance: R-
  22. Dude, That's awesome. Where did ya get it? I haven't checked yet, but are these 12v systems? So I can just go to an auto parts store and get lighting?
  23. ^^^ Dude, I was like J/K I fuggin' knew where you were going with it. We don't call you Dunefreak for nothin'. Sho. :gayboy: Imma go get another bottle of Jager just cuz the stinkin' report. I'll show Em' :shout: All muffhuggin' mANgs report to D, rain or shine!
  24. Hey, thanks for the info Jeremy! I'm not sure if it's bent or not. Will be easier to tell when we line um all up. Bent things like that don't bother me anyways. (just a machinist). :flatbiller: If I tear it down and see that it's bent, I'll fix it and buy you some new overalls for helpin' me out! Good eye and good lookin' out for us. R-
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