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Everything posted by Randog

  1. Wow Dave, That fuggin' sucks azz. :angry2: Sorry to hear this man. Turn that card in to detectives. Hopefully we'll get these azzfukkks. Dammit. Sucks! R-
  2. I'm with Tim on this one. 2276 is the combo foe schizzzz. You don't want to over stroke a VW motor. I had my 2276 for about 9 years. Babied the chit out of it though. :gayboy: I also had 45 dellortos, syncin' was pretty easy. Get and read the Dellorto book. It's awesome. Build a throttle stop so you don't bend the tabs and throw them out of sync. Cheese, They're a lot easier on a sandcar than a Bug. (access) Good luck, and keep us posted DAWG. R-
  3. I just ordered a 55gal drum of F&L SP1, 111 octane. Oh wait. I paid $6.77 a gallon. :gayboy: The race fuel prices never came down. If ya wanna play, Ya gotta pay. Son-of-a-
  4. Whoa. Dude, them are some runnin' legs. :foshizz: "ONE" thing in your mind Lee ??? You're ... This might just put a new meaning on "Dune Run". :ah: Run mafackazzz Run! BTW: how's the Tracker?
  5. :ah: :ah: :ah: What an Iddiot. Why buy a car if you're gonna drive like that. If you wanna run use legs not wheels. :B
  6. Randog

    Big Bear

    Right on Woods. Sure looks cold up there. Great pics mang. (as always) You guys are traveling all over lately. I think we need a trip like that soon here. Thanks for sharing brotha. R-
  7. That just sucks. This world is gettin' tougher and tougher. Why can't everyone just get a job and do something good for the country. Hope you guys get your $ back with minimal headaches. R- <<< Jager bombs on me next time. Yiah Yiah
  8. Who knew? .... That's Awesome Lee! The Jump and your picture! R-
  9. Ohhh Snap!! Glad Bert didn't get Hurt. Good Job mang. R-
  10. Dammit Fugger. ...... You made me look. Didn't take much. lol WTF is Woody doing there right now for? I jealous. I wanna go back right now. :xmas8: Looks cold in them pics though. Yeash. Lookin' forward to them other pics he's got. R-
  11. I'm very interested Tim. I've wanted one for ever it seems. I was looking in the $700. range. That's why I've been holdin' off. Yep, Looks like you guys had a badazz time. Great footage Tim. Wish I were there with ya's. :xmas8: We gots to get the Frizzz to the wall soon mangs. He's jonezzzin' :flatbiller: LIST: 1 for Randoggy
  12. :?: :angry2: Skyz, you have just gots to start proof reading dis chit. Good entertainment though.
  13. This is gonna be awesome. I'll tow ya around Skyz.
  14. This still cracks me up. Thanks for postin' the little video Mike. ..... Prezzz Bush was doin' the Mutha Bitchezzz.
  15. That's funny coming from you Ian. It's that white stuff with the yellow spots in it. or did someone drop a few meth rocks in my coke again. Dammit! I hate when that happens. Alright Alright. sorry mangs.
  16. Friday: Got there in the evening just as the sun was going down. Had some fun at the hill that night. then to camp for Saturday: Buggy ride in the late morning before the winds got out of control. Good run lead by (Lou B) Quad ride later during the sand blizzard was crazy but awesome. The rest of Saturday was just more and playin cards with (Edwatertoad) and Harry. Night was Jager Bombs with Jim, then Pizzaz munchies with Pauly, Mike, Jodi and their group. :hungry: Thanks Mangs. Sunday: One of the best weather day for Dumont I've seen in a long time. We started a 5 buggy ride that ended up as 2 of us by the time we hit the first hill. We'll get one in one of these day guys. Ed and I took off into the smooth sand clouds. Them dunes were absolutely perfect. Hung out at comp for about an hour cuz we didn't want to go home. It turned out to be a sweet weekend after all. Good to have you Jim and Kristen stay in our camp. Oh Chubbs too. I didn't take many pics cuz the wind, but here's a few: The wind (before it got too bad). --- Empty camp area --- North pole visit Sunday Stuffed with letters to Santa. :xmas7: --- Chillin and rippin' @ Comp Sunday --- Sweeeeet dunes out there
  17. holy chit Man that was funny. I guess you just never know what to expect. That guy thought he could just shoe him away.
  18. It was crazy for sure. :ah: Every time someone said "it seems to be calming down"..... BOO-Ya Even harder. Saturday we went on an early buggy ride. wind wasn't so bad at that time. Later (after those pics), we went on a qWad ride and I swear it felt like we were riding right through a Star Wars scene. Cant remember which episode it was. Pretty awesome though. Dunes and weather couldn't have been better today though. R-
  19. I got there kinda late. the peeps were already on their way to the hospital. That was one sad site. Seeing that car like that was killin' me. Hope the guys are ok. That's what's most important. Props to Pauly, Richie, Mike and everyone else that helped the peeps and get the car back. R-
  20. Whoa! uhhh, u huh huh hey that was pretty cool butthead. uhhh Yeah, pretty cool. Creative cheesy azz cheeseboy does it again.
  21. You're not the only one. Pick me, Pick me! livn' the looser life. It tough but someone's got to do it.
  22. I totally hear ya. Dumont sucks period. So, what day you headin' out?
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