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Everything posted by Randog

  1. Congrats Paul and family. He looks like a future duner to me. Wow he's so tiny. Enjoy, R-
  2. Wow That's very ugly.
  3. Oh Hellz Yiah! woo to-the-muffhuggin' hoo. Yep, The weather has been perfect here in Cali too. Kick off was a total tease. :flatbiller: I need more sand soon. We're gonna have an awesome season peeps. R-
  4. You're a lucky dog. It looks badazz. Congrats mang. R-
  5. Yiah Yiah! Awesome progress for Jon. Can't wait till he's out in the dunes with a big huge smile again. :B opps sorry Jon here ya go Jon, you got a ride with me again when you're ready bro. See ya soon mang, R-
  6. I'm stoked for you Pat. You gotta be excited. I've never heard of a 1935. I think they meant 1835 or 1914, both have a stock 69mm stroke. Be sure to get a synchronize tool for them dual carbs. If you can find a Weber book get it too. I had Dellortos and my book really helped me understand them. Here's a pic of the tool. you can get one on Ebay. Lookin' forward to seein' some detailed pics of your new car. R-
  7. Yeah, No doubt PETE. you're not kiddin' :ah: :black:
  8. Well Jack, Here's my experience: Started riding ATCs with thumb throttle. Then Quads, quad sport, Banshee, YFZ 450 all thumb throttles. Been down the Dirt bike twist throttle road just to find a titanium rod in my femur. I've ridden Quads with twist throttles and I had way less control of em. :black: So, basically I think you need to ride a quad with a twist, before you go change yours. I know lots of 2 wheeler guys that swear by the twist throttle regardless what it's on. That's just my $.03 .... I threw and extra penny in cuz you read my post. :clown: R-
  9. Sand Freaks! Yiah Yiah. .......... :B Cheese status? That,That,That,That,That,That's what IIIIIII think. Congrats Mike, ya post junkie. :clown:
  10. Look at the bright side Cheese, " You beat anorexia." :beerbong: Killed it!
  11. Probably not far from a PTA meeting. :moon: . . . . . . JK, Hope you guys enjoy it.
  12. I don't know him, but is he related to crazymexeddie? Oh snap! JK Eddie, no similarity. I don't know why I typed that. . . . . .
  13. I'm offended Tim. :chkn: Cuz you didn't sent the text to me. JK it's all good. BTW I think Cole had your back anyways.
  14. Sound very encouraging G. Hope that bruise goes away soon so he can go home. Like Pete said though, How's the flow and what's the recovery prediction on the function of his hand? You know we all wish you guys were out there with us for kickoff. Next time foe shizzz bro. R-
  15. You gonna show them or do Danny first ? Hurry, you said ASAP. It's fun picking on ya Skyz. You'll get me back soon enough. :porn: --------------------- On a serious note, I'm really sad to hear about the girl that got hurt. R-
  16. Sorry bout that Joe. I honestly thought 'Happy JoeDuner Day' was later in the month. Woulda been awesome to have you in our dune runs. :foshizz: R-
  17. Sure do Marc, He's my bro. You should PM him on DDR here. His screen name is 'Grimace'. He's being referred to as Grimdog lately. The Prezzz started that one. :porn: He's got the blue mid-engine High Jumper in the pics too. I'm sure he'd like to hear from ya. Later, R-
  18. Effin' Crazybeeb. Everyone had a lot of fun on your account. :porn: Thanks for the entertainment mang. Someone said "Sand " ....... Dave said "Say what? I kill you! " Yeah, Thanks for the kite lessons Steve. That thing is cool. R-
  19. Great warning Pete. They're knarly this season. Really knarly. Threw the end of my car way the :porn: up there. :ah: Sucks peeps got hurt. Hope they're ok. :praying:
  20. :?: Effin' Cheese. :worthless_without_pics: I ain't the only guy with a toy hauler in Rancho :pile: monga, ya :clown: . Glad I got it back for the trip though. ..... Rockie thieves is right Pete. they put it up for sale with their phone # on it. ITTIOTS. Glad they got caught.
  21. Wow, What an awesome weekend. Dune season is here MaFackazzz :moon: Really glad to meet new peeps and chill with some of our DDR family again. Laughed our azzez off foe schizzz. :pile: Can you tell by the pics? It's an easy calculation: great place + great peeps = great times. Missed a lot of you guys that didn't make it out. Sorry to hear about your weekend John . Hope your girl heals up quickly. We'll see ya out there soon. Awesome pics there Woody and Cheese. I know Pete has a bunch on the way. Thank all of you guys for the killer weekend. It's gonna be an awesome season. Oh yeah, Thanks to everyone who helped me with jetting my YFZ. It ran great . Thanks a million. :worthless_without_pics: R-
  22. Hey Pat, You're lucky mang, at least you had a choice. I have to go , my girlfriend wants to read a book this weekend and the only place she gets quiet time is in effin' Duuuumont. I'll deal with it I guess. Well, we'll just have to see ya out there another time then. BTW: When you get that left handed monkey wrench, Can you pick me up a metric Cresent wrench? :angry2:
  23. Daymn, that sucks Jack. Effin' dealer! Might be a lot easier on you to claim it as a warranty issue. Make em' fix it, meanwhile enjoy the dunes with us on the TRX450. See ya out there. R-
  24. Dance Dance Revolution :sophie: :drunk2:
  25. Cheese, What the Hell is your search criteria to find this listing? :kissass: One strange MaFacka right there. Yo. R-
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