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Everything posted by Randog

  1. Whoa, Them are some Krazy Muff Huggazzz in that list. Killer time fo schizzz. :black: My dumb azzz ain't goin' cuz I haven't had time to get my toys ready. You guys have some fun and be careful. :beerbong: :angry2: :peeps: Take pics of course. Enjoy, R-
  2. Right-on! I talked to my Bro, and He's down for the 03' freebee. He lives in Hesperia, so I ain't much of a drive to north phelan. I'll PM you his # for arrangements. Thanks a bunch Michael and you too SuperDave. :angry2: R-
  3. Listen. Toyo's Yo 35X12.50R17LT 125Q E/10 E rating 10 ply
  4. My Bros 87' Banshee swing arm is all jacked and cracked. He's thinkin' bout just replacing it with a used one that ain't seen the sky as many times as his has. I've got a couple questions: 1. What different years will fit on his 87'? 2. Does anyone have one layin' around in their garage that they want a couple bucks for? Ebay has them for like $20 + shipping. He's ready to buy now. Lemme-no. Thanks, R-
  5. Thanks Capt. To answer Cheese's question if they go fast, It depends on what tires you compare them to. In 37"+ tires, I've had Swampers, Dirt Grips, and the Toyos. The Swampers and Dirt Grips seemed to shred pretty quick and give a chitty ride. Toyos much slower, and way more even wear than the other two. I don't have experience with Pro Comp or any of the others, but I will buy the Toyos again when I need new ones. :foshizz:
  6. Wingnut, Come on down, I got a guy that will throw in Jager Bombs while he mounts em up. On the tires, Go for the Toyo Open Country. Everyone I know that has had these ( including me ) Digs on em'. Just my 3 cents. I threw in an extra cent for ya cuz you read my post. B) . . . Can't post the pic cuz this message: THE FOLLOWING ERROR(S) WERE FOUND The requested file upload failed because suitable permissions have not been enabled on the 'uploads' directory. Please contact the board administrator and inform them of this error. :pile:
  7. Here's some more to be sure it eXpLoDeS. They sell texture in small spray cans for smaller jobs. I've used them before. Worked great for me. May work for ya so you don't have to spend a bunch on a gun. I sprayed a piece of cardboard first to get me on track before I sprayed the wall.
  8. Yeah, I hear ya on that one Jimmy. Fugg-dat. On the other hand, I doubt those guys flippin' would hold a stick of Dynamite to their schlong either. I'm just sayin' :moon:
  9. Whoaaaaa Dude! That IS one crazy mofo... :moon: We didn't see that event. I think it was at the Staples center. We only went to the big Carson events. It was totally crazy too. Amazing. I'm thinkin' he shouldn't have bailed. He woulda had it. Although, I woulda bailed before the ramp fo-schizzz.
  10. You got it, BareFizzzle Bizzzle.... I'm in. :moon: :dumbass: :foshizz: I've been hearin' lots of SAND talk lately. Got me Jonezzzin' big time. :flatbiller: Son-of-a-
  11. No Doubt! I never seen anyone spray paint water before. Warrior, It did work to get your point across buddy.
  12. Right-on Tyler. Clean truck there. :gayboy: I like it. Congrats mang.
  13. Cool Cheese, Looks like a nice spot to park my car when we come over for that steak and lobster swimming party were gonna have at your pad here soon. :no_no: :swim: lol It looks good mang, and you'll love it. :gayboy: R-
  14. :gayboy: Yeeesh Nick. Seems like your always orderin' parts for your bike. At least if you ever get a sandcar, you'll be used to wrenchin'. Just sayin'. Don't do this: I added up all the maintenance over a year and divided the $ value by the number of trip. wow You'll realize how addicted to sand at that point. Eff-it. Get that sucker back together soon mang. :no_no: We got some dune punishin' to do!
  15. They better give him one or some huge royalties for using his name. lol Technology rocks. The new stuff out there is awesome. Just keeps gettin' better and better. Wonder on the price? My guess is $2500.00 starting R-
  16. Randog

    Oh My God!

    Can't top that one. Won't even try. This is sick stuff. Makes you wonder who your sitting by, anywhere. The reality seems soooo un-real. WTF dude.
  17. Yo Monkie, You shoulda slapped his nads down on a Pizzzazzz and said "That's how I cook eggs Biotch!" You mean :foshizz: I'm in. Yiah, R-
  18. Better than going blind >>> :bert:
  19. 20 years ago I was in Glaaaaamis, and I thought it was the Schizzz. Now I know D is the Schizzz. It's true, ask the Frizzz. Yiah Yiah
  20. Right-on Skyz. That's a great helpful site you found there. The internet is amazing when you start diggin' for info. Thanks for sharing and Good luck with that room addition. Get 'er done R-
  21. It was a 5.6 in Chino Hills. We were rockin' here in Rancho Cucamonga. I was standing at a CNC machine and it felt like the concrete dropped like 6 inches under my feet. Knarley feeling to say the least! I guess Barstow had one yesterday or this morning or something.
  22. All they found was the camera! Look_out.wmv
  23. Cole actually really likes things that don't have carpet yet. Just messin' which-ya Nacho. Mog is lookin' sweet yo. It's gonna be awesome in D.
  24. Right-on you guys. Thanks for all the input so far. Here's where I'm at so far with this: I went to Yamaha to get the NCVQ needle. (which I got ) The owner who has been building motors for what seems like forever, told me that Pro Circuit really does their homework. He said they know jetting for their pipes. He said to go with what Pro Circuit said. Which was: NCVQ needle on 4th groove from top 162 main 40 pilot 1.75 turns out on screw These jets sound awfully small compared to all your success and suggestions. :black: I have to admit, I'm a little confused and concerned now that there is such a difference. The Yamaha guy said the stock jets are 165 main 42 pilot. Why would this pipe make me need to put smaller jets in than stock? I'll pull the carb and see what is in there now for evaluation, before I go buy new jets. I was told it was re-jetted when the pipe was put on before I owned it. Ran great till last trip it was bogging all over the place. I figured it got sand in the carb so I bought the K&N kit. Now figured more re-jetting is required. You guys need to know that I totally appreciate all your help with it. :foshizz: R-
  25. Ahhh, that sucks Ian. Well at least you got it runnin' right. Why don't you tear your quad down and post what you got in there. J/K Anything would help. Hopefully I don't have that much trouble. Thanks though mang. Your story makes me want to sit here and burn CDs all day. Anyone else got info? BUMP
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