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Everything posted by Randog

  1. :dance: :no_no: :dance: :ahhhhh: :dance: Son of a Mutha Bitchezzzzzzz :dance: Oh hells yeah Pete. That just jacked me up dude. <<< Jonezzzzzzin' I wanna go again soooo effin bad after seeing you shred like that. That was cool footage foe schizzz. :fro:
  2. Yeah, No Doubt. ^^^ You oughta put clear plexiglass over that and show it off. :redhat: The car is lookin' sweet. Great job Tim. R-
  3. Right on Taylor. I'll read up on it when I get my mag. That's cool. :redhat: Dman told me today that his was in there. and there it is. How funny. I had a small pic in Sand Addiction mag last year. No write-up though. I was still stoked. Congrats
  4. :redhat: ^^^^ Jill, you got proof on all that stuff ?? ---------------------------------------------------- Check this out ....... Just walk it off you 'Sissy Lala' .......Don't bout it. Watch the guy on the left. Watch it a few times. JustWalkItOffSissy.wmv
  5. Yeah Yeah, ^^^^ What Pete said. :ahhhhh: Some of the replies on that site are funny :dance: Sounds like you've taken the matter into your OWN HANDS. :dance:
  6. Don, I'm thinkin' both you and I have seen one before ...... In what way do you mean 'nice'. A. Nicely built? --------------- Yes, Dave builds a really nice turnkey car. :dance: B. Nice appearence? --------- Yes, however that's more a matter of oppinion. C. Nice to quads on comp? --- Yes, so far. I've seen some close calls. D. Nice to haul? ----------------Yes, smaller and lighter than most long travel cars. E. Nice to passengers? ---------Yes, if they have a strong stomach. F. Nice to competition? ---------Not, These cars have a slight attitude :ahhhhh: That That That That's what I think! <<<<<< Dice :dance: Why you ask anyways? Your setup with you car. :ahhhhh:
  7. Right on! That sounds like a cool one. I've thought about gettin one of those several times. Cuz I usually need one. Do you think it's better than a tomtom? How much do you think your model retails for? R-
  8. I think that's good advise ANYWHERE peeps. It's gettin' chitty out there. Good lookin'-out Pete. R-
  9. That's suck Julie. That's a chitty situation with the retalliation too. I had a $1300 mountain bike stolen, Found out who it was and Dropped his arse. He then threatend my truck,So I thought "this is WAR" . I will fight for what is Right. Nothing ever happened. Good luck with all that. R-
  10. Randog

    hill climb

    That was Brutal right there.
  11. Randog

    hill climb

    That was Awesome. I think this guy saw that and tried it too. Watch this one. Oivind5.wmv I don't know if this video will post right. But it's KRAZY if it does.
  12. Can you do this? :ahhhhh: I'm talkin' bout the card trick not his mask http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUN1yc7YAPE
  13. Yep, I got the same table Ken. Is yours jacked up or is it just the poor design that your having issues with? :ahhhhh: Check it out, I was in Dumont this weekend and thinkin' bout this post. So, I was looking at my table and the legs. :ahhhhh: What do you think about a clamp that holds the table leg to the fender well? This would be much more rigid than free standing.
  14. Cool Video Skys. As far as the Scorpions. They Rock. Seen em a few times myself. I actually started a video, But I don't have much footage. I hope I can get some this weekend. Anyways, Good job on the build. You guys enjoy that nice car now. We'll have to tear-up some dunes together next season. or this weekend if you go. R-
  15. This weekend .............. DUMONT :dance: That's all I'm sayin'
  16. Hey Ken, Can you post a pic of the table legs and how they bolt up to the top? I think I have the same table in my 04' Rage'n. and it's kinda flimsy. I'm thinkin' just change out the legs. The top on mine is just fine. But it is hollow. There are some OFFICE particle board tables that are thrown out all the time. I remove all the brown hardware from these whenever I can and keep it. Maybe this type of legs can be used on the RV tables. their strong and have a much wider footprint. It would be interesting to see Sofaking's custom table for ideas. R-
  17. I'm in! I'lllllllllllllllllllllllllll be there.
  18. Oh thanks Cole, OMG I saw this and backed away from my monitor. so I wouldn't get a wiff of this guys breath. Yeah, I glad he's happy too.
  19. Randog


    The days off work and school at holiday time make longer weekends for dunes. Plus I think it's to chill with friends and avoid the family drama(for some families, not mine). Some of my family go to the dunes together. BTW, Today's a holiday! Why do people walk in the streets on holiday's like today? Sorry
  20. That's a Sandrocket generation 1. Make it 4. :dance: :no_no: I could machine you a billet lift.
  21. . . . B) . . True Dat. . :mic: . :ahhhhh:
  22. :ahhhhh: That's funny. . . But I do have to admit, IIIIIII'm kinda gelious, Dat dog gots moe hair den Randog. :dance: :mic: OK I'm over it already
  23. :ahhhhh: Brandon >> << Idiots
  24. Watch it again Don. You're missin' somethin'. << Mutha Bitchezzzzz, Mutha Bitchezzzzz, Mutha Bitchezzzzz!!!!
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