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Everything posted by Randog

  1. GREAT attitude Steve. Titanium Skeletons are bad to the bone Boards do seem to be slowing a bit. Still rules though
  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. :praying: :praying: R-
  3. AAAAAAAAAAA Billlllllllll, Check with dr.richards. Jason is cool peeps. I think he's in Vegas. If you want help down here, Call Mark Bell. He owns Wilson and Bell Auto on 8th and Vineyard in Rancho. He's been rebuilding trannys for a long time. Honest shop. Just another option for ya. Good luck with the trans. R-
  4. FYI Will work for beer. Chill BEER in 2 minutes <<< Click it Don't forget the salt
  5. YEAH ! That's the ticket. Good thinkin' Blondie When Cole's not 'In the House' .... He's 'In the AIR'
  6. Jake, "randogafied" make it past my spell check. I like it. Cole, I Got that helmet with a bucket of chicken or bowl of soup. I think it was a KFC or some chit like that. :dance: Kelly, 'President of the Titanium Team'? Jamaican-me-nervous. I'm in I'll do my best. Yeah,,,, Now. ,,,,,,,,,,,, Then. It's all good
  7. Wow Cole, I ain't like'n this news at all, nope. But, I know your a True American Soldier, and you will do what our country asks of you. Woody too and all our soldiers. Thank You guys. May 4th is coming too damn soon Not sure if I can make it up there by then to see ya. Like everyone said here, "Let us know if you need or want anything" Bro. Just get Ur arse back here and get that sandcar for some Remember 'We're here for you as well.' Thanks again, R-
  8. I'm pretty sure he's looking to get around 30k the way it is. PM sent.
  9. Alright Alright Yeah I hear ya about the Meth car thing. I was sayin' to buy it without that motor and put a reliable 3.5 Honda gas motor in it. I know about the $ thing too. I'll keep looking for something around 20K.
  10. Yeah, WTF Funny thing, Nick just posted this link in Cole's Corner. :mc_smiley: Have you thought of hookin' him up with one of these? Safe Booty Call for your turtle <<<< Click the link Maybe this IS him.
  11. It would if it saw you handing me the keys. J/K dreamrr Your Tatum is a bada$$ machine. Think you'd let me drive it someday?
  12. No no no, Kelly It's fun! Picture this... I put my right leg in, I put my right leg out, put my right leg in and shake it all about I do the hokey pokey and turn myself around, that's what it's all about. Then, I put my left leg in, and everyone freaks out! I do the Mutha Bitchezzzzz and drink another beer .That's what I'm talkin' about. Sorry Not sure if I got enough sleep.
  13. If we can squeeze 27k out of him MAYBE another 3k or so. Lou ain't askin' too much for what it is.
  14. Thanks Pete ^^^ Hey Cole, Just a thought. My buddy Lou is still selling this car. 2004, SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED , 2seat mid eng LongTrvl. Built SprChrgd AcuraV6, Mendeola 2D trans,Chrome arms, pwdr coated & polished, like new. Only thing is it runs on (Methenol ). However he may sell it without the motor. Check it out, Order a 3.5L Honda with factory computer for $5K, and add a Turbo on it later WHEN your comfortable with the 265 stock hp. OR maybe Carl at V-tec can get this motor back on gas for cheap. Think about it and ask if you have ANY questions. This is a NICE car. The pic does it NO justice. Oh yeah, Lou did put real paddles on it too. WTF are those doing on a BLOWN car.
  15. Yeah No Doubt Bro. Check it ..... I'm worth something Hey, Gimmie a brake. I haven't crashed since I road last. Thanks Davey. Yeah, Itches like Mutha Bitchezzzz.... :dance: I put arrows where it ITCHES. That stinkin' Femur photo again. "Get over it Randog!"
  16. ^^^^ What made you look for that one Nick? :angry2: ------------------------------------ OK, These guys can do the Mutha Bitchezzzzzzzzz Foe Sho Dancin' Mutha Bitchezzzz <<< click it
  17. Nice! :mc_smiley: I went on a cruse that was planned just before I busted my femur. I was :mc_smiley: everywhere, but it still kicked arse. It kicked my liver in the ying-yang too.
  18. :angry2: Yeah no boubt. ^^^^ What weekend :mc_smiley: I sat down Friday night to blog on DDR and when I stopped, it was time for work this morning. Could be worse.... if it was GD.com I'd be broke I got things done around the house but didn't seem to get too far from the computer. The weather was kinda kaka anyways. Some canceled plans on us. I need to work on my car for this weekend. ( we may be going ) :mc_smiley: R-
  19. Because I Care..... It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water (tap) each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria found in feces. Body waste. In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop. However, we do not run that risk when drinking beer (or rum, whiskey, wine or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling or filtering and/or fermenting. :no_no: WATER = Poop BEER = HEALTH Hence: It is better to drink Beer and talk stupid than to drink water and be full of sh*t. There is no need to thank me for this valuable information. I am doing it as a DDR service for our valued members and staff. R-
  20. We're seriously think about this weekend. I got a few interested already. They say it's going to be about 100deg. I CAN deal. Scratch that itch Pete I just don't want to get POOP all over my rig from the road.
  21. Randog

    Kicked out

    Yep ^^^ Beer always helps. Pinball machines in the garage help too. I got a couple for sale.
  22. He probably needs to Duct tape his hands to the grips. Crazzzzzy Mohegan.
  23. I know Bud. I was really hopin' that you would get a chuckle out of it. Kinda sucks on such an awesome post in the first place. I posted it, then that guy posted that gay thing on Dan and you. I was like, Oh man, Cole is getting ripped on and he's not here to defend. I think everyone knows your not fat since you were flashing at the wedding. Sorry Mang. ?
  24. :shout: That's Effin Gross. If he did it on purpose, then he's an arsehole. If not, then he's an Iddiot. That sucks. I think we should have him answer to this post.
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