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Everything posted by Randog

  1. Yep! That is cool. Thanks to our Prezzzzzzzzzzz :mc_smiley:
  2. Yeah, someone's being mean to you Pete. So, do you think your car will match your Shirt or Pants? :dance: Either way, all they're gonna see is a sand storm
  3. That's funny Dani. Tristan has powers that we don't even understand. Mean Mom? nope. nothin' wrong with a little tough love :hug: Sounds like the fun house on the street. foe sho :fro:
  4. Oh Hells Yes! I was going to say "Phoenix Gold all the way". I had a 5 channel in my old truck. 4 Infinitys and a sub box with two 10" JL audios. Pioneer deck with changer. If I was doing it again,,, I WOULD do it AGAIN. I'm just glad you didn't cheese out. :ban-cha: JK man. Great choice
  5. Hey, That sounded pretty smart! I'm confused now. Dammit . . Actually dune shredder sounds way cool. And it only takes 50 posts BTW, there are pros that suck, BUT a shredder is a shredder I'll drink to that
  6. ^^^^ 6000+ posts :monkeedance2: is right. ...... I've given this topic some thought. I found that this guy >> << is what does it for me. He is a Mutha Bitchezzzzz. And that my friends is some cool chit. :dance: Good time to thank you all Similar situation: A crackhead thanks his dealer right?
  7. Randog


    I got a 4.86 R&P 2.90 1st 1.93 2nd 1.50 3rd 1.26 4th Mendeola 2D mid 1300 plus comp cut SU tires. My stinkin' motor won't rev over 7000. Click 4th gear half way up comp At the Glamis drags my GPS said a buck thirty-one. But maybe that was "Glamis speed"? We'll have none of that 131 biz. R-
  8. Looks nice pete. The color will match your Mutha Bitchezzzz Dance Outfit. Looking forward to dunin' with you for the clean-up.
  9. Hey Grimace, I think the question was for the a-arm front end like Nick questioned. However you are totally right about your front end. The beam and trail arms like yours are real tough. Oh, and EASY on the 'OLD guys ' references! B) JK I'm cool with that. The Sand Sprite cars are good VW chassis'. And I think Gerold is right about people selling them for LT cars. Oh yeah, the question. I don't know anything about the a-arm chassis. So, all that wasn't even worth
  10. Yeah Woody, That's Fuggin' Right! And the other 5% of the people are DDR members. I heard that some hospitals are dropping sick peeps off at homeless shelters and sh*t like that. WTF If you don't have a heart at least think of karma. Thank You for reporting it R-
  11. I talked to the owner of the car when they got it to the bottom. He was holding a peice of the Rhino body. He claimed it was a hit-and-run. He was . Yeah, lots of damage there. :ahhhhh:
  12. :mc_smiley: That's funny. Wingnut had the same idea I can't make it (travel issues). But hey hey, I'll be :2gunsfiring: cuz he's movin' closer to me. Have fun Peeps R-
  13. Very sad Our thoughts and prayers for Omar and all his family and friends. :praying: :praying: :praying: :praying: :praying: God is taking care of him now. R-
  14. True Dat! You got me thinkin' Sift the bigger rocks too! "Bonus" You would make a few hundred bucks at the recycle yard for beer one night :mc_smiley:
  15. No Doubt Kelly, It's aggrivating, but every bit helps. Tanner is right about the shut down. Pete is right about it being inevitable. But we need to do something to cut it down. Maybe several BIG 'littering fine' signs on the way in and around the hill? Maybe we should organize a clean-up every big weekend. The more peeps helping the more progress we'll have. Just hope that doesn't trigger more litter bugs. catch22? I don't know More Ideas?
  16. Yeah, Good job Bud. The hill was a total mess Sunday morning. WTF don't these IDIOTS understand? And WHY? . . . Thanks for your help there Warrior.
  17. Great Weekend. I thought I wasted third gear the first ride of the weekend on Friday. I was ALL bummed till we found it was my shifter. Replaced a broken bolt inside the shiftbox, slapped it back on and off I went. A reallity check for me with a couple close calls on one run Friday night on the hill. It was too busy for me to run the hill but I was doing it anyways. Well it really mellowed me out for the rest of the weekend. A good thing. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to some off weekends. :no_no: Hey Captian, Nice run to and from the . Thanks man. Can you post your camera info? I forgot the mfg. name. Deltaco? I mean Barefoot Bob. Him and his wife are great peeps. Good to meet you both. It's great to meet more DDR peeps. I always look forward to chillin' with all or any of you. Oh ya, Hey Pauly, Get a whip and next time stay a while. Great time. Thanks to all R-
  18. ^^^ Ohh Sorry. Yeah, strike would suck. Food rules and it's almost as important as BEER. True Dat or Not True Dat?
  19. Has anyone ever really sat there and watched a Hog Heavin'? Yoooou might be a
  20. Damn that suck Cole. :ahhhhh: Glad you have no injurys. I know it was their fault, but are they ok? Have a beer or two, buddy R-
  21. That is sad! Bummer for the poor animals
  22. Did you see that dooooo on that guy? I'm not so sure that was Oh sorry
  23. ^^^^ Yep! what pete said helps big time. I just wax the steaked area with a cleaner/wax after a good wash. Seems to work for me. Make sure you rinse the soap off the ground first.
  24. Rick was talking about the gears of the blower. He thinks their DDR gears, that's all. Just messin' with ya Rick. Anyways, Congrats on the easy fix. We'll see you out there Prez weekend. OPPS :dance:....... Post Gone!
  25. I can hear it now: "Hey Hey San Diego" Congrats Dan Stop by and say Hi on your way down. You know R-
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